(PR 106) Religious Trends II
World Religions

Ten lectures covering the history, development, doctrine, and present operation of the more familiar world religions such as Roman Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. False teachings are brought to light when compared with the truth of the Word of God.

Print out a copy of these notes before the first lecture. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.

Note: All question numbers marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

Defining Religion

1. Why is there religion?

a. To answer man’s 4 basic questions:

1) What is the _______________ _____ _________ ____________________________ _________ ____________?

2) How is the ____________________________ ___________________________?

3) What is the _______________ ______ __________________ ____ ________?

4) Why do ____________________ ______________________?

*5) Four Basic Elements of Religion:

a) _________ __________________________________

b) _________ _________________________ ______________

c) ____________________________________

d) ___________________________

b. To meet man’s need to __________________________.

c. ____________________________ __________________________

2. What is religion? Religion in the true sense of the word carries the idea of ___________________ something.

3. The word used in the New Testament means a ___________________________

*4. Religions of the world are defined by where they place ______________________________ in comparison to ____________________________.

*5. The two kinds of religion in the world are:

a. “ _____________________ “

b. “ _____________________ ”

6. There should always be a clear distinction between _______________________________ and _________________________________.

7. Many claim to be trusting in Christ, but are actually ________________ ____ ___________.

8. Many __________________ claim to be serving Christ.

9. This study will concentrate on _______________________ _______________________ and __________________________ ____________________________.

Introduction to Roman Catholicism

Four Obstacles to Objectivity:

1. The _____________ of the Roman Catholic Church.

2. The _____________________ of the Roman Catholic Church.

a. The __________________ of _______________________.

b. The ________________ of _____________________________.

c. The ________________ of _______________________________.

d. The __________________ of the _______________.

3. The _______________________of the Roman Catholic Church.

a. Romanism is religion in its most _______________________ _______________ and ___________________________ ________________.

*b. Romanism is ____________________________ ___________________covered with the most cleverly devised cloak of ______________________ ______________.

*c. Examples:

1) _______________________________________________

2) _______________________________________________

3) _______________________________________________

4) _______________________________________________

5) _______________________________________________

6) _______________________________________________

7) _______________________________________________

8) _______________________________________________

9) _______________________________________________

10) _______________________________________________

4. The ______________________________________ of the Roman Catholic Church.

a. Romanistic ceremony has spread throughout ________________________________.

*b. The word "Catholic" means "_________________________________."

1) Considers itself to be the ______________ _______________________.

2) Considers itself to be the _________________ _________________________.

History of Roman Catholicism

*1. The beginning of the Roman Catholic Church would be dated at ______________.

*a. The founding of the Catholic Church is associated with _________________________ ________ ________________.

b. Originally, a _______________ worshipper of the _________ ________, "__________."

c. His conversion is based on a ____________________ of ____________________ and a __________________ of the __________________.

*2. The ______________ ___ _________________ in 313 ad gave ____________________, __________________ _____________________, and ___________________________ ____________________________________ to formerly persecuted Christians.

*3. The Council of Nicaea (325 AD)

(1) Settlement of the ______________ ______________________________________.

(2) Aligned ___________________ with the Jewish ______________________.

(3) Established ______________________________ ___________ over local churches.

4. At the Council of Ephesus (431 ad) the ____________________ ________________ was
elevated to "________________________ _____ ___________."

5. At the Council of Chalcedon (451 ad) the _________________________________ office of ________________ was _________________ ___________________________.

6. Medieval Roman Catholic Timeline:

*a. 995: "______________________________________" was established by Pope John XV.

b. 1123: ______________________ _____________________ _______________________ at the first Lateran Council.

*c. 1139: ______________________________ was exercised at the second Lateran Council.

d. 1179: ___________________________ _____ _________________________ _____ ___________________ ________________ at the third Lateran Council.

*e. 1190: The Church instituted the sale of ______________________________________.

*f. 1215: ______________________________________________ was officially defined and adopted at the fourth Lateran Council.

*g. 1215: The rite of _________________________ ______________________________ was instituted by Pope Innocent III.

*h. 1439: "___________________________________" was proclaimed as a dogma by the Council of Florence.

i. 1517: The ________________________ _____ ___________________ was forbidden at the fifth Lateran Council.

7. Post Reformation Roman Catholic Timeline:

a. 1545: _______________________ was declared equal to Bible by the Council of Trent.

b. 1546: The ____________________________________ __________________ were declared canonical by the Council of Trent.

*c. 1854: The __________________________________ __________________________ of Mary proclaimed by Pope Pius IX.

d. 1864: The ______________________ _____ __________________ was proclaimed by Pope Pius IX.

e. 1870: The __________________________________ ____ _______ ____________ was declared by the Vatican Council.

*f. 1950: The _________________________________ ____ ________________ was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII.

g. 1965: Mary is proclaimed as the "________________ ____ _______ ____________."

Doctrine of Roman Catholicism


*1. The primary standards which dictate the Roman Catholic's actions are ________________________, ____________________________________, and _____________________________________.

2. Both ____________________ and _________________ warned of the danger of this form of ________________________________ ____________________________________.

Some Catholic Perversions of Bible Truth

1. The Doctrine of God

a. Apparent Doctrine: Catholic doctrine believes that God is a Trinity with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as equal, distinct persons; yet, are one God. They also hold that God is the Creator, Sustainer, and Sovereign Ruler of all things.

b. Actual Belief: However, their _____________________________________ placement of _____________ contradicts their statement of faith.

*(1) Her title as "___________________________________________________________"

(2) Her role in ___________________________________.

(3) Her ________________________________.

c. Key Scripture:

(1) ______________________________

(2) __________________________

2. The Doctrine of Creation

a. Apparent Doctrine: "The holy Catholic Roman Church believes and confesses that there is one true and living God, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth, almighty, eternal..."

*b. Actual Belief:

(1) The statement: "God brings the world to realization not by continual interventions, stepping in to make this or that, but in such a way that the higher emerges from the lower by evolution" reveals that they actually believe in ______________________ ________________________.

(2) The only remaining dogma concerning creation in the Roman Church is that ___________ _______________________________ ________ ________________.

c. Key Scripture:

(1) __________________________________

(2) __________________________________

3. The Doctrine of Scripture

a. Apparent Doctrine: "And these books of the Old and New Testament are to be received as sacred and canonical, in their integrity, with all their parts... not because, having been carefully composed by mere human industry, they were afterwards approved by authority, nor merely because they contain revelation, with no admixture of error; but because, having been written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God for their author, and have been delivered as such to the church herself" (Dogmatic Decrees of the Vatican Council).

*b. Actual Belief: It is in the areas of ___________________ and _________________________________ ___________________________ of Scripture that the Roman Church fails into serious error.

(1) The inclusion of the _________________________________ _________________.

(2) The equality of ________________________________ to Scripture.

(3) The____________________________________ of the ______________.

c. Key Scripture:

(1) ________________________________________

(2) _________________________________________

(3) _________________________________________

(4) ________________________________________

4. The Virgin Birth

a. Apparent Doctrine: From the earliest writings and creeds, Rome has believed and confessed that the Biblical account of the virgin birth of Christ is both accurate and not debatable. The Roman Catholic is required to believe in the virgin birth of Christ.

b. Actual Belief: The Catholic is not permitted to question or debate the doctrine of the virgin birth. However, they must also believe:

(1) The ____________________________________ ___________________________:

*(2) The ____________________________________ ___________________________:

c. Key Scripture:

(1) _____________________________________

(2) _____________________________________

(3) _____________________________________

(4) _____________________________________

5. The Doctrine of Salvation Through Faith in Christ

a. Apparent Doctrine: The Roman Catholic Church takes an official position that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and rose again the third day for the remission of sins.

b. Actual Belief: The error of Romanism is found in the ___________________ through which a person __________ ___________________________ to this work of Christ.

*(1) Salvation Through The ________________________

*(2) The Inclusion of the ____________________________________

The Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church

*1. Baptism

a. Cleanses from ____________ and provides spiritual _____________________________.

b. Scripture: ____________________________________________

*2. Confirmation

a. Gives strength from the Holy Spirit to _____________________ the Catholic faith, ________________________ the Church, and _______________________ _____________________________________________.

b. Scripture: ____________________________________

*3. Penance (Confession)

Removes the _____________________ _________ _______________ committed after one has been _____________________________ _________ _________________________.

a. The four steps of Confession:

(1) _________________________

(2) __________________________ ( _______________________ ) Confession

(3) Receive _______________________________

(4) Do _______________________________

b. Scripture: ___________________ ; _____________________ ____________________

*4. Holy Eucharist (Communion)

a. Imparts the continual benefits of Calvary through the ______________________________ of the bread and wine to the ______________ and _______________________ of Christ.

b. Commonly known as __________ __________________.

*c. The process of transformation is called _______________________________________.

d. Scripture: _____________________________ ; _______________________________

*5. Marriage

a. Give grace to remain married ________ ________________.

b. The weakness of the power of this sacrament is seen in the ___________ ____________ _________________________and _________________________ rate among Catholics.

*6. Extreme Unction (Anointing of the Sick)

a. Bestows grace on those sick or near death for ________________________________ or ___________________________.

b. Scripture: _______________________________

*7. Holy Orders

a. Confers spiritual powers to ______________________ _________________________.

b. Scripture: _____________________________________

Principle Scripture which denies the power of any or all of the sacraments to save:

1. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________



*A. Judaism is the religion of the ____________.

1. It is the _______________________ religion in the Western world.

*2. It was the first religion to be ___________________________.

*3. ________________________________________________ are off-shoots of Judaism.

B. Adherents to Judaism.

1. There are ___________________________ adherents to Judaism throughout the world.

2. ________________________ of the world's population belong to these three religions.

I. Brief History of Judaism

A. Ancient Judaism

*1. ____________________________ was the father of the Hebrew (Jewish) race.

2. The ancient history of Judaism was supplied by ________________________________.

B. Organized Judaism

1. Judaism became an organized religion with the _________________________________.

2. The system of worship was based upon the ________________.

3. The centers of worship were the ____________________________________________.

4. The Temple was destroyed by the ______________________________ in _______ B.C.

C. Post-Levitical Judaism

*1. During the Exile, ________________________ became a prominent place of worship.

2. These assemblies became the official institution of Judaism after the ________________ ________________________________________________ in ______ A.D.

*3. The sacrifices were replaced by _________________________; and the priests were replaced by the _________________________ (___________________).

D. Modern (Christian Era) Judaism

1. The _____________________________________________ (ca ________ A.D.) resulted in world-wide establishment of these Jewish assemblies.

*2. The ________________________________________________ became the basis for modern Orthodox Judaism.

*3. Since the establishment of the Country of Israel in __________, Modern Judaism has divided into three branches:be able to name these three branches

a. First, there is _______________________________ Judaism which strictly follows the _____________________________ teachings.

b. The second group is _________________ Judaism which ______________________ ______________________________ in an attempt to adapt to the modern world.

c. The third branch is _______________________ Judaism which seeks to compromise _____________________________________ with ___________________________.

II. Basic Beliefs and Practices of Judaism

A. The Sources of the Doctrine and Practice among the branches of Judaism

*1. The writings of Moses known as ___________________, or ___________________; and the Hebrew Old Testament. Date: ________________________ B.C.)

2. The ____________________________________ for their _________________________ value. (Date: ____________________ B.C.)

3. The _________________________________________________ books which traced the _____________________________________________. (Date: ________ B.C.)

4. The historical works of _____________________________________________________ (Date: __________________ A.D.)

5. The _________________________ a book of rabbinic traditions placed almost equal with ___________________________. (Date: __________ A.D.)

*6. The _________________ which is considered the _____________________________ of modern Judaism. (Date: __________ A.D.)

*7. Their Error: The Jews rejected __________________ and trusted in _______________ _____________________________________.

B. The special position of the Jewish people is through a ______________________________ _______________________________________ with God.

C. The Jews are still praying for _______________________ to come to _________________ _______________________________________________.

D. Present Judaistic worship is centered around the ___________________________ and the ________________________________________________________.



*1. Islam was founded by __________________________________ in _________________.

2. The word "Islam" means "______________________________."

*3. Those who practice Islam are called _______________________.

4. There are an estimated ______________________ members of the Islamic faith worldwide.

Brief History

1. Muhammad had a vision of _________________________ in a cave near _____________.

2. He was commanded to _____________ a praise unto God for His ___________________ ______________________________________________.

3. After the Arabic word for "recite" the writings of Muhammad were named the "__________."

*4. __________________ is the only true God of Islam.

5. The first two converts to Islam were Muhammad's _________ and ____________________.

7. Muhammad and his followers were forced to flee to __________________ in ________A.D.

8. This trip is known as the ______________ which marks the ___________________________________________________________________________________________.

*9. The __________________________________________ became the Muslim capital.

a. A special shrine called the _______________ was built there.

b. This shrine housed the ____________________________.

c. Muhammad was proclaimed the "___________________________________________."

10. From its beginning, Islam has been a ___________________________________________.

11. After suffering a setback after the ___________________________________, Islam began to experience a revival during the ________________.

Islamic Doctrine

*1. The first source of Islamic doctrine is the _________________.

a. Received by ___________________________.

b. ________________________________ in its content and preservation.

c. Proclaims _______________________________________________ (Allah) as salvation.

*2. The second source of Islamic doctrine is the _______________.

a. Contained traditions known as the ________________.

b. Was not considered ____________________________.


1. Islam believes in only one God who is the _____________________________ and ______________________________ of the _________________________________.

*a. Rejects both ________________________________ and _____________________.

b. The four functions of God are:
1) creation
2) sustenance
3) guidance
4) judgment

c. Man's responsibility to God is _______________________________________________.

d. The greatest miracle and creation of God is ____________________________.
Jesus Christ

*1. Islam believes that Jesus was ______________________________________________.

2. ______________ was the first prophet.

3. Muhammad is the ___________________________________________________ prophet.

The Day of Judgment

1. Muslims believe in a ____________________________________________.

2. Eternal reward or damnation will depend on _____________________________.


Being obedient and worthy of heaven depends upon faithfulness to five duties.

Evaluation Alert! Be able to name the five duties of Islam

1. The first duty of the Islamic faith is to profess that _________________________________ _________________ and ____________________________________________________.

2. The second duty is the offering of ____________________________________________.

3. The third duty is ____________________________, or the _________________________ .

4. The fourth duty of the Islamic faith is that of ______________________________________.

5. The fifth duty is the __________________________________________________.

Other Islamic Beliefs

Besides the five basic institutions, other important laws of Islam include the prohibition of alcohol consumption and of eating the flesh of swine. Besides the Ka'ba, the central shrine of Islam, the most important centers of Islamic life are the mosque, where daily prayers are offered, and the cathedral mosque, where Friday services are held.

The term jihad, usually translated "holy war," designates the struggle toward the Islamic goal of "reforming the earth," which may include the use of armed force if necessary. The prescribed purpose of jihad, however, is not territorial expansion or the forcible conversion of people to Islam, but the assumption of political power in order to implement the principles of Islam through public institutions. The concept of jihad was nevertheless used by some medieval Muslim rulers to justify wars motivated by purely political ambitions.

According to classical Islamic law, the world was divided into three zones: the House of Islam, where Muslims are ascendant; the House of Peace, those powers with whom Muslims have peace agreements; and the House of War, the rest of the world. Gradually, however, jihad came to be interpreted more in defensive than in offensive terms. In the 20th century the concept of jihad inspired Muslims in their struggle against Western colonialism.

Islam and Other Religions
Convinced of the absolute truth of Islam, Muslims traditionally have not sought dialogue with representatives of other religions, although medieval Islamic scholars wrote fairly objective works about them. Recently, however, Muslims have engaged in dialogues with representatives of Christianity and Judaism, recognized in Islam as the two other "religions of the book" (based on revelation). Nonetheless, memories of Western colonialism have generated suspicion and impeded ecumenical efforts.

(Taken from Encarta; Eerdman's Handbook to the World's Religions; The World's Religions; and Webster's International Encyclopedia)



1. Hinduism is the chief religion of __________ and has an estimated _______________________ followers.

2. The word "Hindu" means "____________________."

3. Hinduism would be best defined as a ___________________________________________ ____________________________________.

Concise History:
Ancient Hindu History (3000 - 600 B.C.)

1. The ancient Hindus offered sacrifices to a host of __________________________________ ___________________________.

2. The invasion of India by the __________________ in 1500 B.C. brought a more organized system of worship.

3. Included in this religion were the _________________________ priesthood and the writing of the ____________________.

4. During this time, early Hinduism developed a _____________________________________.

5. The four social levels of Hinduism are:

a. The Brahmins (______________________________________________)

b. The Kshatriyas (___________________________)

c. The Vaisyas (______________________________________________________)

d. The Sudras (________________________________________________________)

6. Those too low to be classed were called the Dravidians, or __________________________.

Classical Hindu History (600 B.C. - 500 A.D.)

1. In an attempt to remove social, and religious barriers, a system called ________________________________ arose out of Hinduism.

2. During the period of 200 B.C. and 500 A.D. invading forces brought ___________________ ____________________________________________________ to Hinduism.

Medieval Hindu History (500 - 1800 A.D.)

1. Hinduism was divided into many local sects under the direction of religious leaders called "_________________."

2. The ideas of men such as Shankara and Ramanuja were developed into a belief called the Sankhya System which view existence as a conflict between the _____________________ ___________________________________.

3. The _____________system sought to free men and women from material ______________ to spiritual _____________________.

Modern Hindu History (1800 - Present)

*1. The most popular of the Hindu leaders in the twentieth century was ___________________ ______________________.

2. His "non-violent" revolution was called "_________________________________________."

3. A more modern Hindu movement is called _______________________________________.

Basic Beliefs of Hinduism

Hindu Sacred Literature

1. The Mahabharata contains the world's _________________________________ and is the story of _______________________ of the god Dharma.

2. The Rig Veda is a collection of hymns which explain the ____________________________ of Hinduism.

3. The Upanishads introduced the teaching of ______________________________________.

4. The Puranas were ___________ about manifestations of a __________________________.

5. The Ramayana told the story of King Rama, the __________________________________.

6. The error of the Hindu writings is clearly seen in the ____________________________ and ___________________________________ of their contents.

Hindu Gods

*1. Hindus believe that there is supreme god, of which everything is _____________________.

*2. God enters the world to help men in the form of an _________________.

Hindu Practice and Worship

Life's Four Stages

1. The _________________________Stage

2. The ______________________________________Stage

3. The _________________________________________ Stage

4. The ____________________________ Stage


*1. Hindus believe that a person's existence is a series of cycles referred to as _______________________________________.

*2. Karma determines the quality of the next ________________________________________.

Rites of Passage

1. _________________ (from former to present cycle)

2. _______________________________ (from child to adulthood)

3. ___________________ (from present to future cycle)


*1. The only hope of being released from the endless cycle is through attaining "_____________________."

2. The person's individual spirit is call his "_____________."

3. Freedom from Karma occurs when a person's spirit becomes identical to the ______________________________________________ called Brahman.

*4. The four "paths" to freedom from karma are:

a. The Path of Bakhti (_____________________________)

b. The Path of Karma (__________________)

c. The Path of Jnana (____________________________)

d. The Path of __________________________________________________________.



*1. The word "Buddha" means "__________________________" or "______________________________________."

2. The founder of Buddhism was _____________________________________ who was called the first Buddha.

3. The Buddha is the embodiment of _________________ and ________________________.

4. The number of Buddhists throughout the world is estimated between _____ and _____ million.

Brief History

1. Gautama founded of Buddhism as the result of the shock of seeing ________________ ______________________.

2. Rejecting the __________________ of religion, he developed the "____________________."

3. Buddhism actually began about _________________. with a ________________________ and a _______________________.

4. Buddha challenged the beliefs and practices of ___________________________.

5. Buddha died of ______________________________________ about 483 B.C..

Branches of Buddhism

1. The Theravada Branch seeks faithfulness to _____________________________________.

2. Mahayana seeks to _______________ Buddhism to the ___________________________.

3. Tantra Buddhism is characterized as a blend of _________________________________.

4. Zen Buddhism is the Chinese/ Japanese branch which practices a philosophy called "__________________________________________."

Buddhist Writings

1. The authority of Buddhist scripture is the _______________________________ of Buddha; and the written words of the _________________.

2. These include:

a. The Theravada Scriptures which contain the ____________________________ of Buddha.
b. The Pali Canon commonly known as the "______________________________" which add _____________ and ________________________ teaching.

c. The Mahayana Scriptures supplied a _______________________________ on Buddha's ___________________________.

d. Tibetan Literature was a _______________________________ of the teachings of Buddha.

e. Chinese Literature was a Buddhist collection which became the canon also used in ________________ and ___________________.

*3. The most serious faults of the Buddhist writings is their lack of _________________________and mode of _______________________________.

Basic Buddhist Teachings

*1. The foundation of Buddhist philosophy is ___________________________________.

2. The endless cycle of suffering and death is referred to as ___________________________.

*3. Salvation is being freed form this cycle or achieving ____________________.

4. Buddhists believe in a universal law of cause or effect called ________________.

*5. Buddha's first sermon revealed the Four __________________________.

a. _________________________ exists.

b. There is a __________________ for _________________________.

c. There is a way to __________________________________.

d. The way to _______________________________ is through the ______________________________________.

*6. The _____________________________________ is the way to _____________________.

a. These are:

1) Right ____________

2) Right __________________

3) Right ________________

4) Right _____________

5) Right _________________________

6) Right _________

7) Right __________________________

8) Right ______________________________

b. The error of the Buddhist way of salvation is that it depends upon ___________________ ___________________________________________________.



1. Humanism is a world ___________ which has become a world _________________________.

*2. Humanism is the belief that the capacity for _______________________________ is complete in man.

3. Humanism can be incorporated into any ________________________________________ _______________________________________.

*4. The three branches of Humanism are:

*a. ____________________ Humanism pertaining to all ____________________________.

*b. ___________________ Humanism pertaining to _________________________.

*c. ___________________ Humanism pertaining to _____________________________.

Common Humanism

1. All ___________________________________________ is Humanistic in nature.

2. The history of Humanism can be dated to the beginning of __________________________.

3. Examples:

a. ______________

b. The _________________________________________

c. The _________________________________________

d. The _________________________________________.

e. The _______________________________

f. The _________________________________________ (Rom. 1:22)

g. The _____________ (Rom. 10:3)

4. Humanism has progressed through such movements as ____________________________, _________________________________, and ___________________________________.

Secular Humanism

1. Secular Humanism made its inroads during the ___________________________________.

2. Secular Humanism is the ___________________________________________ in secular colleges, universities, and public schools.

3. Proponents of Secular Humanism include:

*a. ____________________________ (1796 - 1859) who influenced American education away from ____________________________________________ of God.

*b. __________________________ (1809 - 1882) who offered an __________________ ________________ to belief in God.

(1) He was the leading force in the teaching of ______________________.

(2) His published ________________________ in the "Origin of the Species" were accepted as _________________________________________.

*c. ______________________________ (1859 - 1952) who sought to influence education ______________________________________________ in God.

(1) His initial attack was against ________________________________________.

(2) He defined religious practice as a result of _________________________ rather than a ______________________________________ God.

(3) He denied any absolute standard of _______________________________________.

(4) He claimed that Christian doctrine and beliefs were ___________________________ to Biology, Psychology, etc.

4. Secular Humanists philosophy has also influenced ________________________________ __________________________________________.

Humanistic Writings

1. The "_____________________________________" by ____________________________ (1859)

2. The "______________________________________" by __________________and other Humanists. (1933)

3. "__________________________________________" by ___________________________ (1934).

4. The "_______________________________________________" by Corliss Lamont (1949)

5. ______________________________________________ (1973)

6. "__________________________________________" Humanists Publication.

Cosmic Humanism

1. Cosmic Humanism is known as the "___________________________________________."

2. The word "cosmic" refers to the _______________________________________________.

3. Cosmic Humanism is merely the _________________________________________ of the development of Humanism.

4. The main goal of Cosmic Humanism is _________________________________.

5. _____________________________ is the source of Cosmic Humanism.

6. Cosmic Humanism ________________________________ many varying ideas and beliefs.

7. Cosmic Humanism is a _________________________________________ of religion and philosophy with ________________________ thinking at its core.

Cosmic Humanist Doctrine

*1. Concerning God, Cosmic Humanists are __________________________________ and ___________________________________.

*2. Concerning man, Cosmic Humanists ___________________________________________.

*3. Concerning Salvation, Cosmic Humanists teach that the solution is ___________________ ___________________________.