Christian Ethics (PR103)
The Christian in the World

Course Description

Ten lectures divided into two main headings: "Christian Distinctives" (Christianity as compared to other religious philosophies and world views) and "Christian Ethics" (Principles for basic Christian responsibility and conduct based on Biblical teachings concerning “the world”).

Course Overview

A. Two familiar questions concerning religion:

1. Who's right?

2. What's right?

B. Biblical Answers

1. Christian Distinctives

2. Christian Ethics

I. Christian Distinctives
(Comparing the principles and philosophy of Christianity with
those of the world system.)

A. Christianity and World Religions

B. Christianity and World Cultures

C. Christianity and World Views

D. Christianity and World Philosophy

II. Christian Objectives
(Applying the principles and philosophy of Christianity to our
religious and social practices.)

A. Defining "The World"

B. The Believer and "The World"

C. Love Not The World

D. Hated By The World

E. Not Conformed To The World

Assignment for Lecture One: Copy and print out a copy of these notes before Lecture One. Notes may need to be spaced into outline format.

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

Christian Ethics


There are two familiar questions concerning religion:

1. Who's right? This question primarily decides our __________________.

2. What's right? Primarily decides our ___________________.

3. In an attempt to answer the question "Who's right?" we are going to be
studying the _______________________________ of Christianity.

*a. Definition: "Serving to ______________________________________
from others."

b. We've got to know that Christianity is not merely ____________________.

c. The first half of the course, we will be comparing the
________________________ and _________________________ of
Christianity with those of the _________________.

4. In an attempt to answer the question "What's right?" we are going to be
studying the ___________________ of Christianity.

*a. Definition: "A set of principles of _________________________________;
A system of ______________________________________________.

b. We've got to know that our ___________________________________
is not merely the result of our _________________________________.

c. The second half of the course, we will be applying the
________________________ of Christianity to our __________________
and _________________ practices.

5. The word religion comes from a Latin word which means __________________.

6. Four elements common to all religions.

a. _________________________________________________________.

b. _________________________________________________________.

c. _________________________________________________________.

d. _________________________________________________________.

Part One: Christian Distinctives

Christianity and World Religions

Pronounced Distinctions:

*1. The Word of God declares the exclusiveness of the _________ of Christianity.
A truth that:

a. Exodus 20:3 ...determines _____________________________________.

b. Exodus 34:14 ...identifies _______________________________________.

c. John 17:3 ...determines ________________________________________.

*2. The Word of God declares the exclusiveness of the ___________________ of

a. John 14:6 ...determines ______________________________________.

b. John 8:24 ...determines ______________________________________.

c. Acts 4:12 ...determines _____________________________.

d. I Corinthians 15:3-8 Christianity in unique in having an
___________________________ Savior.

*3. The Word of God declares the exclusiveness of the _____________________ of

a. I Timothy 6:3-4 ...exposes ______________________________________.

b. II John 1:9-10 ...exposes ________________________________.

c. Romans 16:17 ...determines _____________________________________.

d. Galatians 1:8-9 ...determines _____________________________________.

e. The purpose of doctrine is to ___________________________________
and __________________________________.

Practical Distinctions:

4. The _________________________ application of the ____________________
of Christianity.

a. References: Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15

b. Transcends all ________________________ boundaries.

5. The emphasis on ____________________________ and
____________________ rather than _________________________.

a. References: Revelation 5:9; Romans 1:5

b. Transcends all _______________ and ________________ boundaries.

6. The desire to _________________________ rather than seek their

a. References: Matthew 5:44; Romans 12:14

b. Transcends all _______________________ boundaries.

Christianity and World Cultures

Introduction: Two basic kinds of culture:

1. ______________________ Cultures: Many world cultures remained distinct
in the past largely because of ___________________________________.

2. ______________________ Cultures: The global mixing of cultures can be
attributed to modern _______________, _____________________________,
and ___________________.

World Cultures
(Based on Origins of the World's Cultures by Nelson McGeoch)

1. Culture as distinguished from habitat and society.

a. Habitat refers to _______________________________________________.

b. Society refers to ________________________________________.

c. Culture refers to the ________________________________________.

*d. A "Culture" is a distinct pattern of behavior adopted by a "________________"
enabling them to function in a "_________________________________."

2. Cultures are the result of seeking to meet three needs:

*a. The need for ______________________________________ in their
habitat resulting in a _________________________ System.

*b. The need for ______________________________________ in their
habitat resulting in a _________________________ System.

*c. The need for ______________________________________ in their habitat
resulting in a _________________________ System.

3. There are three basic social controls in any culture:

*a. "_______________________" which determine _____________________.

*b. "________________________" which determine _____________________.

*c. "________________________" which determine ____________________.

4. Within every culture there are:

*a. _____________________________________

1) different groups which ___________________________ the Culture

2) examples: _______________________________________________.

*b. _____________________________________

1) different groups which ____________________________ the culture

2) ______________________ which is a ___________________ counter.

3) ______________________ which is a ___________________ counter.

Christianity and World Views

1. When we use the term "world view," we are not talking about
__________________________on different matters. .

2. To be considered a world view, there must be an ________________ and
_________________ statement concerning the _________________________
of life.

a. ____________________________

b. ____________________________

c. ____________________________

d. ____________________________

e. ____________________________

f. ____________________________

g. ____________________________

h. ____________________________

i. ____________________________

j. ____________________________

3. All world views fall under two (2) broad categories.

These are:

*a. ________________________________ defined as "Belief in a
supernatural agency that _________________________ in the course of

*b. _____________________________ defined as "Belief that everything
can be explained in terms of ________________________________
without attributing ______________, _______________________, or
_______________________________ significance to them."

c. Within these two categories, there are ______________________________.

(1) Within Spiritualism, there are such groups as: _______________,
_________________, and __________________________.

(2) Within Naturalism, there are such groups as: ____________________
and __________________________.

Groups Within Supernaturalism:

1. ___________________: One Supreme Being who is the __________________
of the universe and at the same time _________________________________.

2. _________________________: Belief that the __________________________
is god.

3. ____________________________: Belief in _____________________ god.

*4. Biblical Christianity is _______________________ and _________________.

Groups Within Naturalism:

1. ________________________: The belief that ___________________________
is the only reality.

a. ______________________________: All religion, morals, ethics, politics, etc.
are the result of a _____________________________________________.

b. ______________________________: The production and distribution of
_____________ should be controlled by the ________________________.

c. ______________________________: Rule by _______________________
which demanded ________________________________________to the
______________ and its ______________________.

2. _________________________: The basic belief that people possess within
themselves the capacity for ___________________________________.

a. ______________________ Humanism: The _______________________
movement to "prove" that whatever exists can be explained by

b. ______________________ Humanism: The whole universe is one,

Biblical Christianity

1. Definition: "Christianity is the embodiment of Christ's claim that He is
'___________________________________________________' (John 14:6)"

*2. The foremost conflicts between Biblical Christianity and other world views are:

*a. _____________________________________________.

*b. The _____________ as God's ____________________________________
to mankind.

*c. ______________________ as God's Select ___________________.

*d. ___________________ as the only ___________________.

Christianity and World Philosophy


*1. The word philosophy comes from a Greek word meaning

2. Philosophy is defined as "the investigation of things through

3. True philosophy will influence and determine ___________________________
in ____________________________________.

4. Technically, a world philosophy, must address each of the
___________________________ of philosophy.

Philosophy and the Bible

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." (Colossians 2:8)

1. The Word of God warns the believer to beware of ________________________.

a. "vain" means _____________________________________________.

b. "tradition" means ____________________________________________.

c. "rudiment" means _____________________________________________.

d. Bad philosophy makes untrue _______________________________ things
its foundation.

2. Christianity vs Vain Philosophy

a. Paul's encounters at _________________ (Acts 17:18a)

1) The Epicureans believed that _________________________________.

2) The Stoics believed that ______________________________________.

b. John and ___________________________ (I John 2:25-26)

1) Gnosticism believed that ___________________________________...

2) ... and therefore: ____________________________________________.

3. Both Paul and John used _________________________________________
to expose bad philosophy.

a. Paul's Answer (Acts 17:18b)

b. John's Answer (I John 4:1-3)

Christianity and the Branches of Philosophy

1. Christianity has a philosophy of life because it has a ______________________
on every _____________________________________________.

2. Christianity has the only _________ philosophy of life, and is therefore, the
_______________ to determine bad philosophy.

3. The eight branches of philosophy:

*a. ___________________________ asks the question:
(Ecc.12:13-14; Rom. 1:19-22)

*b. __________________________ asks the question:
(Gen. 1:1; John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17; Gen. 1:27).

*c. __________________________ asks the question:
(Isa. 45:22; Heb. 11:5-6).

*d. ___________________________ asks the question:
(Gen. 2:7; I Cor. 6:20)
*e. __________________________ asks the question:
(John 14:6; I John 5:20)

*f. __________________________ asks the question:
(Psm. 29:2; Ecc. 3:11; Prov. 31:30)

*g. __________________________ asks the question:
______________________________________________? (Philip. 4:8)

*h. __________________________ asks the question:
(I Pet. 3:15; Matt. 22:37-40)

Part Two: Christian Objectives

1. Christian distinctives have to do with our ___________________________
with the world.

2. Christian Objectives have to do with our ___________________________
in the world.

3. An objective is "______________________________________________"
or simply a _____________."

Defining "The World"

1. Most people think of the _____________________________ when they hear
the word "world."

2. The earth planet is a marvel of ______________________________________.
(Romans 1:20, 23, 25).

3. From Romans Chapter One, we learn that creation provides a

a. Creation presents God's ______________________ in its

b. Creation presents God's ______________________in its

c. Creation presents God's ______________________ in its

4. The message of creation has the power to ______________________.

5. The message of creation does not have the power to ___________.

6. Rejection of the ____________________ is rejection of the Gospel.

7. The Seven Degrees of Light: ***You must Know these in the following order.

*a. _________________________________ (Rom. 2:15)

*b. _________________________________ (Rom. 1:20).

*c. _________________________________ (Deut. 11:19; Rom. 13:1-3)

*d. _________________________________ (Rom 3:1-2)

*e. _________________________________ (II Cor. 4:3-4).

*f. _________________________________ (I Cor. 2:9-10)

*g. _________________________________ (I Cor. 13:12)

8. Rejection of light leading to the _________________ is rejection of the

Distinguishing between "Earth" and "World"

1. The Greek word "ge" appears __________ times in the New Testament
and is translated "_____________________."

2. Three Greek words of importance:

a. oikoumene {oy-kou-men'-ay} The Earth planet and _____________________.

*b. kosmos {kos'-mos} The ___________________ or
_____________________ of the world.

*c. aion {ahee-ohn'} A __________________________ and its

3. Examples:

a. The ___________________________________:

(1) Matt. 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the
world (______________) . Amen."

(2) Mark 16:15 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world
(_______________), and preach the gospel to every creature."

b. The ____________________ Gospel during the
___________________________ Period:

Matt. 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world (_______________________) for a witness unto all nations; and
then shall the end come."

c. Our Call to ____________________________:

(1) I John 2:15 "Love not the world (______________), neither the things
that are in the world (______________). If any man love the world
(______________), the love of the Father is not in him."

(2) Rom. 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world (___________): but be
ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is
that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Christ's Prayer for Believers (John Chapter 17)

1. John Chapter 17 has been called the "________________________________."

2. It is in this passage that we see ________________________ in the love and
purpose of God.

*3. The foundation for true faith is the _________________________________
of Christ.

4. Christ's leaving the world refers to His _________________________________
from the earth.

5. The word "___________" tells us that the disciples' belief was based on the

*6. The word for "believe" (pisteuo) is __________________________________
from the word "faith" (pistis).

a. "belief" is in one's _________________________.

b. "faith" is in one's _______________________________.

c. The disciples believed that Christ "______________," but the time was coming
when they must have faith that He "_______________."

d. Hebrews 11:6 shows that God pleasing faith includes both His
______________ and _________________________ to save and supply.

*7. We are not expected to have the same ______________ of faith that Christ had.

*a. But we are expected to have the same _________________ of faith that
Christ had.

b. The victorious Christian life requires a ___________________________
in God.

8. Christ wants His people to have ______________ in a
_____________________ world.

a. The word for "peace" is defined as __________________________________.

b. The word for "tribulation" is defined as "____________________________."

9. Following the ______________________________ of Christ will lead to

The Content of the Prayer

1. The first example of Christ is His realization of the true ______________ and
_____________of ______________.

*2. Any glory that does not come from and return to God is
"____________________________ glory."

*3. Christ's _________________ work of redemption on "______________"
("ge" - the earth planet) is finished.

*4. Christ's __________________ work in the "______________" ("kosmos")
is ongoing.

5. In Christ's discourse and prayer, we find the word "world" _______ times.

6. Therefore, the topic of the Lord's prayer is the believer's
____________________________ with the world.

The Four Aspects of the Believer's Relationship with the World:

*1. The first aspect (vv6-10) of the believer's relationship with the world is
summed up in the words "_______________________________________."

*a. This refers to our ____________________________.

b. Christ has __________________________, and is able to

c. Failure to accept this truth effects our __________________ and
____________________ in the Gospel.

*2. The second aspect (vv11-13) of the believer's relationship with the world is
summed up in the words "_____________________________________."

*a. This refers to our ____________________________.

b. We live in a real world with real ______________________.

c. Failure to accept this truth brings ____________________ and

*3. The third aspect (vv14-16) of the believer's relationship with the world is
summed up in the words "_____________________________________."

*a. This refers to our ____________________________.

b. God's goal for the the believer is ________________________________
rather than ____________________________.

c. Failure to accept this truth brings _________________________________
and a poor ________________________________.

*4. The fourth aspect (vv17-21) of the believer's relationship with the world is summed
up in the words "____________________________."

*a. This refers to our ______________________.

b. Being Christ-like in our ________________ requires:

(1) Being ________ as He was ________;

(2) Being ________________ as He was ________________;

(3) Being ________________ as He was ________________;

c. Failure to accept this truth brings ______________________,
_____________________, and ________________________.

Love Not the World (I John 2:12-17)

1. In verses 12 through 14, John addresses three groups of people on the basis of

*a. "Little Children" refers literally to one's ________________, and figuratively
to one's ________________________.

*b. "Fathers" refers literally to one's _______________________, and figuratively
to one's __________________ or __________________.

*c. "Young Men" literally to a ________________________________, and
figuratively to one's ____________________ or ____________________.

2. All three groups are commended:

a. "Little Children" are commended for their ________________________.

b. "Fathers" are commended for their ________________________.

c. "Young Men" are commended for their ________________________.

3. In verse 15, All three groups are commanded _____________________:
"Love not the world."

a. The "problem" of the passage:

(1) John 3:16 says "God so loved the ________________."

(2) The word used for "world" both passages is "________________."

(3) The word used for "love" in both passages is "________________."

b. The Principle:

*(1) John 3:16 speaks of the ________________________ love of God

*(2) I John 2:15 speaks of ________________________ love from man

*(a) Love for the world is ______________________ and

*(b) Love for God is ________________ and

(c) In short, God wants to be the______________________________
of our love.

c. Any ________________________ in the world must be prompted by
__________ for God."

(1) Our love rules out certain ___________________________________.

(2) God's love __________________ every person.

(3) In short, God wants us to be ________________________ for His love.

d. Verse 15 shows that Love for the world __________________ and
________________ our love for God.

(1) True love for God is __________________________________________
where love for the world exists.

(2) Therefore, true __________________ to God is absent where love
for the world exists.

4. All three groups are warned ________________________.

a. Verse 16 reveals the three areas of ___________________________:

*(1) "the lust of the flesh" is __________________. (What they like)

*(2) "the lust of the eye" is ________________________. (What they have)

*(3) "the pride of life" is ________________________. (What they know)

b. Examples:

(1) __________________________________________

(2) _____________________________________________

c. Applied to the three groups:

*(1) "the lust of the flesh" basically applies to ________________________.

*(2) "the lust of the eye" basically applies to ________________________.

*(3) "the pride of life" basically applies to the __________________.

d. The world has a trap for every ______________________________ of life.

5. In verse 17, all three groups are warned ________________________.

a. Through a ________________________.

(1) The world emphasizes __________________...

(2) The will of God emphasizes the __________________...

b. Through an ________________________.

(1) Through lust, a person becomes part of a _______________________.

(2) Through obedience, a person becomes part of an _________________.

Hated By The World (John 15:18-25)

1. In verses 1 through 17 of John Chapter 15, Jesus gave three requirements for
living a __________________ life in this world.

a. Through the parable of the vine and branches, He taught the importance of
_______________________________________________ (vv1-16).

(1) "abide" means to "__________________" and emphasizes
__________________ in God's will.

(2) The four levels of fruit-bearing:

(a) ________________________, which He __________________;

(b) ________________________, which He __________________;

(c) ________________________, which He __________________;

(d) ______________________, in which He is _________________;

(3) "abiding" in Christ is _______________________________________
on Him as we serve in this world.

b. In verse 17, Christ states the importance of ___________________________
(I John 4:7).

(1) This is a "_________" commandment which determines the
_____________________ of the fruit.

(2) Fruit-bearing depends upon _________________________________.
(Rom. 7:4)

(3) Fruit bearing depends upon __________________________________.
(I Cor. 12:13-27)

c. The third determining factor concerning fruit-bearing is our

*(1) Our relationship to the world system is to be one of _______________.

*(2) The relationship of the world to us is one of ________________
(John 15:18-25).

(3) The world's hatred for the believer is:

(a) __________________________

(b) __________________________

(c) __________________________

2. Defining the word "hatred."

*a. The word is used in the _____________ sense.

*(1) The word means to place at a lower level of _____________________
and ________________________.

(2) Examples: (Luke 14:26; Rom. 9:13)

*b. The word is used in a _______________________ sense.

*(1) It means to __________________ and ________________.

(2) Examples: (Mark 13:13; Heb. 1:9; Rev. 2:6, 15)

3. Illustrating the word "hate."

a. Two "legal hatred" passages compared: (Matt. 10:37-38 and Luke 14:26-27)

(1) Matt. 10:37-38 emphasizes ___________________________________.

(2) Luke 14:26-27 emphasizes __________________________________.

b. The world hates the believer in the _________________________________.

c. The hatred of the world toward Christ is fully seen in the


1. Christ responded with _________________________________ (Luke 23:34)

2. We should respond with ___________________________ and

*3. Keys to responding to the world's hatred in love:

*a. Refuse to ________________________________________. (John 7:7)

*b. Rejoice in our ______________________________________.
(Luke 6:22; I Pet. 4:12-14).

*c. Realize the ________________________________________. (Rom. 1:16)

*d. Remember the ________________________________. (I Cor. 6:9-11)

Not Conformed To The World (Romans 12:1-2)

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

1. The final five chapters of Romans are dedicated to ________________________.

2. Reasonable service means "______________________" service.

a. Declared ___________ because of overwhelming ____________________.

b. Paul uses _____________________ to prove that it would be
______________ not to serve God.

3. Our reasonable service is defined as the _____________________ of God.

a. God's _____________________ applies to all believers.

b. God's perfect will is His ____________________ will for
___________________________ believer.

(1) "perfect" means _____________________.

(2) "will" means "___________________________________."

(3) In short, God's "perfect will" is serving Him ______________ and
__________ He desires me personally to serve.

4. There are three prerequisites to determining God's perfect will.

*a. The ____________________________ of our ______________.

(1) The term "living sacrifice" denotes ____________ to self and
____________ for God.

(2) It is the presentation of our ____________________________ to
God to use as __________________________________.

*b. The ___________________________ of the __________________.

(1) There are many __________________________________ to doing
God's perfect will.

(2) There is no _____________________________________ to doing
God's perfect will.

(3) Being in God's will transforms our _________________ into

*c. The ________________________________ of our __________________.

(1) "transformed" denotes a _____________________________________.

(2) "renewing" denotes a _______________________________________.

5. The expression "be not conformed to this world" reveals
___________________________ to finding perfect God's will.

Defining "this world."

1. The word used here is "_________" which is translated
"____________________________" in II Tim. 4:10 and Tit. 2:12.

2. "Conformed" carries the idea of being _________________________________.

3. The believer is commanded not to ___________________________ to be
______________ after the pattern of this present world.

4. There are only two possibilities given in Romans 12:1-2:

a. to be __________________ by the renewing of our mind.

b. to be ___________________________ to the image of this present world.

5. Both require a pattern:

a. ___________________________ is after the pattern of Christ. (Philip. 2:5-8)

b. ___________________________ is after the pattern of the world. (I Cor. 2:5-6)

Discerning "this world"

1. The "world" ____________________ all three requirements for finding and
doing God's will.

2. The world's attitude concerning the three requirements:

a. God requires the presentation of our bodies, while the world advocates the
___________________________ of our bodies.

(1) "Exalt me for ___________________________."

*(2) The first obstacle: "Will it require physical _______________ or
________________?" (The Lust of the Flesh)

b. God requires the repudiation of the world, while the world advocates a
_____________________________ in the world.

(1) "Exalt me for ____________________________________."

*(2) The second obstacle: "Will I be able to __________________________
by serving God?"

c. God requires the transformation of our minds, while the world advocates
______________ of our minds.

(1) The renewing of our minds (nous) is necessary for the
________________________ required to serve God. (I Cor. 14:14-19)

(2) "Exalt me for ___________________________."

*(3) The third obstacle: "Does it ________________________________
to serve God?"


1. The only life that can be called "good" and "acceptable" is the

2. The world stands in opposition to __________________________________
God's will for your life.

3. Solomon did an inspired study on the pleasure, possessions, and wisdom
of the world. His conclusion: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole
matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole
duty of man" (Ecc. 12:13)