(PR-107) Spiritual Conflicts

Ten lectures dealing with the reality and severity of interpersonal and local church conflicts. In this course, we will see what the Bible has to say about sources of and solutions to spiritual conflicts.

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation. Material may need to be spaced into outline format.

Memory Work: There will be memory assignments given in each lecture. You will be asked on the evaluation if you completed the memory work. The memory work will have a great influence on your final grade for the course. Work on each portion until you can write it without mistake.

Introduction: What is Conflict?

1. The American Heritage Dictionary offers two definitions which will form the structure of this study.

*a. Conflict is first defined as "a state of open, often prolonged _____________________; a battle or war."

The first half of this course will concentrate on various aspects of the ____________________________ ___________________________ experienced by the Church through the years.

*b. The second definition presents "conflict" as "a state of ____________________ between incompatible or antithetical (diametrically opposed) persons, ideas, or interests; a clash."

The second half of this course will deal with some common "____________________" which occur with in the local Church.

2. These two definitions show that there are two ________________ kinds of conflict:

*a. The church has and will experience ____________________ conflict. (John 16:2; Philippians 1:28-30)

*b. The Church has and will experience_______________________ conflicts. (Galatians 5:13-17; James 4:1-2).

The Effects of Conflict

1. We must emphasize that true external conflict comes as a result of our ____________________________ with Christ and that which we suffer for the ____________________ of Christ.

*2. External conflict refers to the natural opposition which comes as a result of our relationship to the ________________of Christ, and not as a result of our personal ________________________________.

3. In his first epistle, Peter clearly marked the difference between being persecuted for _________________ sake and being persecuted for ________________ sake. (I Pet 4:14-16)

4. The key to making the distinction between suffering for the cause of Christ and suffering for our own cause is marked by the two words used by Peter.

a. Reproach comes from _____________________ while suffering is the Greek word "pascho" {pas'-kho} which refers to ____________________ emotional and mental anguish.

b. So conflict comes to the believer from two directions. Outward "reproach" for doing _______________; and inward "suffering" for doing ____________________.

The Effects of External Conflict

1. External conflict against God's people provides opportunities for personal _________________________ and ____________________.

2. The positive effects of external conflict:

*a. ________________________ our relationship with Christ (Luke 6:22-23)

External conflict will come because we ________________ to Christ.

*b. ________________________ our desire to serve Christ (II Tim 3:10-12).

External conflict will come because we seek to ____________________ Christ.

*c. ________________________ our heart, mind, and spirit (James 4:7-8)

(1) The ____________________ is challenged by external resistance. People needing God's ________________________________ usually display some form of heart searching (I Pet. 4:1)

(2) The ____________ is challenged by external resistance. People needing God's ____________________________________ usually display some degree of mind searching. (I Pet. 2:11-12; II Pet. 2:8-9)

(3) The ____________ is challenged by external resistance. People needing God's ______________ usually display some degree of soul searching.

d. When external opposition strikes, it reveals the ________________ of our faith.

The Effects of Internal Conflict

1. Internal conflict ____________________ God's people has a domino effect.

2. Effects of internal conflict:

a. __________________________ affects _____________________________

b. __________________________ affects _____________________________

c. __________________________ affects _____________________________

d. __________________________ affects _____________________________

e. __________________________ affects _____________________________

The Source of All Conflict

The True Nature of Conflict

One common mistake when dealing with conflicts is the failure to realize that all conflicts stem from _______________________________ conflict.

1. The _______________ concept

a. Those who approach conflicts from this standpoint focus on the ___________________ problem at hand.

b. The problem with this approach is that it has no _________________________ solution.

2. The _______________ concept

a. Those who approach conflicts from this standpoint focus on _________________________ and ______________________________.

b. The problem with this approach is that it seeks to ________________ the people and _______________ the circumstances.

3. The __________ concept

a. Those who approach conflicts from this standpoint realize that there ia an invisible, _________________ cause of all conflicts (Isa. 5:24; Heb. 12:14-15)

b. Those who seek to go beyond the visible realm to solve conflicts fall into __________ general categories:

1) Those who believe that all conflicts stem from _______________ or __________________________ problems.

2) Those who believe that all conflicts stem from _________________________ problems.

3) Those who believe that some conflicts have ____________________ causes while others have psychological or _______________ causes.

c. The Word of God clearly defines man's root problem as being a _________________________ problem.

(1) From man's spiritual problem comes personal and inter-personal _________________________.

(2) Therefore, all conflict is the result of a spiritual conflict which only __________ can determine and fix.

The True Source of Conflict

Since conflict is summed up in two words __ fighting and disunity, conflict must have a source which is _________________________ to God (I John 5:7-8).

As all conflicts are spiritual conflicts there is a spiritual _______________ behind all conflicts.

All conflicts are but "outcroppings" stemming from the great conflict between __________ and ____________________.

1. Satan is the ____________________ of all conflict.

a. He fits the two-fold definition of conflict.

(1) He fights against God's ____________________ (Zec. 3:1; Luke 8:12)

(2) He causes ____________________ among God's people (II Cor. 2:11)

b. He fathered the ____________________ of conflict.

(1) He is the father of __________ (John 8:44; II Thes. 2:9)

(2) He is the father of a wicked _________________________ (Isa. 14:12-14)

(3) He is the father of wicked ____________________ (Matt. 25:41; Rev. 12:7-9)

(4) He is the father of wicked ____________________.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. (John 4:44a; Acts 13:10; Eph. 2:2-3; I John 3:10)

2. Satan is the ___________________________________ of all conflict (Mark 3:23-26)

a. His motive is to ____________________ the will of God (I Thes. 2:18)

b. His __________________ is the free will of man (Jam. 4:7; I Pet. 5:8-9)

The Development of Conflict


1. Church conflict, both external and internal, is only part of a great conflict which has been going on since the _______________________________________.

2. This conflict, of course, is the conflict between ______________________________.

3. Since man is God's prize creation, Satan's ultimate attack is on and involving the _____________________.


1. First there is the conflict of Infidelity.

*a. The word infidelity carries a general definition of "being _________________________."

b. The extreme religious definition is "one who has _________________________ in God."

*c. Here, we will use the basic definition which is summed up in the word _________________________.

2. The first conflict initiated among the human race was concerning the loyalty of man to the basic _________________________ of God (Genesis 2:16-17).

External Conflict

*1. The first conflict came as a challenge to God's command. It must be noted that God's first rule of order included a ____________________ and a _________________________.

a. The ______________________ is the freedom to eat of every tree of the garden.

b. The ______________________ is the command not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

*2. In Genesis Chapter 3:1-6, we see the three elements of all temptation to be disobedient to God.

*a. First, Satan always ____________________________________________________________ (vv1-3).

*b. Secondly, Satan always ______________________________________________________________ (v4).

(1) Today, Satan convinces men and women that there is no _______________________ beyond the grave.

(2) People want to choose the part of God's Word that promises heaven and apply it to ________________, while applying the promise of eternal judgment for disobedience to ____________________.

*c. Thirdly, Satan ultimately ______________________________________________________________ (v5).

Internal Conflict

*1. The first external conflict concerning mankind came through Satan's attack on the ____________________ of God.

*2. The first internal conflict occurred within the ___________________________________ of Eve.

3. Notice the steps of internal conflict:

*a. First, she __________ (v6a).

*b. Secondly, she ____________________.

*c. Thirdly, she _______________.

*d. Finally, they __________ (vv 7-8).

(1) God had created man as being in His image and in ______________________________ with Him.

(2) Fallen man finds himself in ____________________ with God and hides from His presence.

4. The conflict of infidelity would gain such control until God had to __________________________________ upon the human race (Gen 6:5-7).

5. After the flood, the conflict resumed, and God had to confound the language of men because of their __________ united efforts to _______________ themselves (Gen. 11:5-9).

a. In the record of Babel, we find ___________________________________ against God.

b. Here mankind is unified to _______________ itself above God.

6. In this first conflict we find the true nature of all conflict. The goal of conflict is to hinder man's ___________________________________ with God.

*a. Human harmony is sometimes sought at the expense of being in harmony with God and His _________.

*b. Unity and harmony that requires the denial or rejection of Biblical principles is ____________ harmony.

7. The harmonious life or church is the one which seeks to be in harmony with God's Word at the expense of human _____________________________________________.


1. The first conflict concerning the human race and man's failure through __________________________ to God's commands.

2. There is no ______________________________ to obeying God.

3. The key word for the conflict of infidelity is "____________________."

4. Through _____________, man is born as a rebel against God, and through his own ___________________
chooses to remain that way.


*1. Idolatry is defined simply as "the _____________________________________________."

a. The Old Testament word comes from a word meaning "to heal" or "to be a physician" and thus, carries the meaning of trusting in images and idols for _______________________ or ___________________.

b. The New Testament word comes from two words meaning "to ________________________________."

*2. In the most practical sense, idolatry is trusting and serving ___________________________________, and an idol is anything which ___________________________________ of God.

3. Therefore, idolatry is a conflict between God and objects. As infidelity centers on defiance, idolatry centers on _________________________.

Two Basic Types of Idolatry

*1. The first type is what we will call fabricated idolatry or simply "the worship of man's ________________________________________."

a. As we study the Old Testament, we quickly discover that every nation had at least one ___________________________________ to worship.

*b. There are two needs placed in man by God: the need to ____________________, and the need to be _________________________.

c. In the religious realm, those who reject the True God still must _________________________________. Therefore, two goals are set before those who reject the True and Living God.

(1) They must ____________________ a god of their own;

(2) They must create some way of ______________________________ this false god.

(3) In brief, they must create a ____________________ and a ____________________________.

d. We find the conflict of idolatry set forth most clearly in Isaiah Chapter 44, verses 8 through 22.

(1) God establishes that He and He alone is the ________________________________________.

*(2) Any other god is the creation of ______________________________.

*(3) Any image of a god is the creation of ______________________________.

(4) Trust in any other god is presently __________ and eternally ______________________________.

(5) God calls on His people to contrast the __________________ of man with the__________________ of man.

e. The very first commandment given to God's people was a ______________ of the _______________ of acknowledging and worshipping the creations of man's mind and hands (Ex. 20:3-6).

f. God further warned them of the coming ____________________ concerning idolatry (Deut. 13:6).

g. Yet, as time progressed, fabricated idolatry _______________ the people of Israel away from God (Jud. 2:12).

h. Idolatry was the sin that brought ______________________________ upon Israel (Jer. 16:11-13).

2. The second type of idolatry is cosmological idolatry.

a. Cosmology is "the study of the _____________________________________________."

(1) Fabricated idolatry involved the worship of ______________________________ objects.

*(2) Cosmological idolatry is the worship of ______________________________ objects.

b. The concept is described and condemned in Paul's epistle to the Romans. In Chapter One,

1) A biblical study and consideration of creation will lead a person to ____________________________ the existence, wonder, and power of the True and Living God and Creator.

2) A humanistic study of creation will result in a worship of the things of creation. The wonder, precision, and harmony of creation are never denied, but the _______________ is denied.

*3) Created things are not capable of _______________________ or __________________ such honor.

4) Cosmological idolatry provokes the _______________ and _________________________ of God.


1. The first stage, which introduced conflict into the human race, was that of infidelity. In the spiritual sense, infidelity is simply _______________________________ God's commands.

2. Satan brings this kind of conflict by offering an __________________________________ to obeying God.

3. In our last session, we noticed two basic types of idolatry in the Bible.

a. The first type is what we will call fabricated idolatry which is the worship of ________________________objects.

b. Then there is Cosmological idolatry which is the worship of ____________________________ objects.


*1. The American Heritage Dictionary defines hypocrisy as "the practice of ____________________________ beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one ________________________ hold or possess; falseness."

*2. Those who practice this fine art of deception are called "______________________________."

a. The word hypocrite is found ______ times in the Old Testament. It is interesting that eight of the Old Testament uses of this word are found in the Book of ____________.

b. The word hypocrite became closely associated with the Greek theater as meaning one who ____________________________________ or ____________.

c. The common words __________________ and ____________ bring a better understanding to the modern mind.

Biblical Examples of Hypocrisy


*1. The first kind of hypocrisy we will notice is that of impersonation. This form of hypocrisy involves presenting yourself as ______________________________, or being an ________________________.

2. The most familiar examples include:

*a. __________________ presenting himself to be ____________ (Gen. 27:15-19)

*b. __________________ presenting himself as a __________________________________________ (Luke 22:3, 47-48; John 6:71)

*c. ____________ presenting themselves as ______________________________ of Christ (Acts 19:13-16)

*d. _______________ and his followers presenting themselves as ________________________ of Christ (II Cor. 11:13-15)

*e. The ____________________________________ presenting himself as ________________________ (II Thes. 2:3-4).


*1. The next type of hypocrisy is imitation. As impersonation can be summed up in the word impostor, imitation can be summed up in the word ____________________________________.

a. This kind of hypocrisy is clearly seen and illustrated in the ____________ world.

b. Another place where this form of hypocrisy is realized is in ______________________________.

c. The most dangerous place for this type of hypocrisy to exist and spread is in the ________________________ realm.

2. Now, for a few Biblical examples of imitation.

*a. ________________________ imitating the __________________ of God (Isaiah 14:12-14)

*b. The ______________________________ imitating foreign __________________. (Josh. 9:3-9).

*c. _________________________________________ imitating ________________________________ (Matt. 7:15-20).

(1) The wolf enters the flock for one reason - to __________________ one of the lambs as prey. His deception is to "get him in the door."

(2) The corrupt tree on the other hand seeks to be ________________________ among the other trees but produces corrupt fruit. The corrupt tree seeks to remain in the orchard and be a ______________________________ corrupting force.


*1. The third kind of hypocrisy is insincerity. This is the most effective form of hypocrisy because it is so ____________________________________.

a. There are ________________________ from Scripture which call for the exercise of great ______________________________ in this area (Rom. 14:10).

b. In the case of imitation, the tree can be determined because it produces bad fruit; but in the case of insincerity, the fruit is _________________ while the heart is insincere. Therefore, this form of hypocrisy can only be judged by ________________________ (I Cor. 4:5).

c. Insincerity is it. It gives man the praise and appearance of ________________________; but at the same time, it robs God of ________________________.

2. Let's look at a few examples of this form of hypocritical conflict.

*a. __________________ sacrifice (Gen. 4:3-7).

(1) The pattern for this type of hypocrisy is set here: God wants simple _________________________; nothing more; nothing less.

(2) Most scholars believe that the statements about sin lying at the door; desire; and rule are referring to Cain's ____________________________________ to confess his sin, repent, and receive God's perfect pattern of ________________________.

*b. ____________ sparing the ______________________________ (I Sam. 15:17-23).

(1) Saul's _________________ appeared proper, but his __________________ was wrong. Any action which requires ____________________________________ is evil in God's sight.

(2) Here was Saul presenting a great religious appearance, yet, in God's eyes, it was as witchcraft and idolatry. Witchcraft because he was trying to do something spiritual in ____________________________________, and idolatry because he was worshipping in a _____________________________________________.

*c. The ____________ before the ______________________________ (Isa. 66:2-3).

*d. The Jewish _____________________________________________ of Christ's day (Matt. 15:8-9; 23:25-28).

(1) Although, for the most part, the captivity cured the Jews of ________________________, it gave them an excuse for ______________________________.

(2) Being separated from the temple and the organized priesthood, they developed ______________________________________ doctrines, codes, and laws which took the place of true heart-felt worship.

(3) The chief conflict between Christ and the Jews was concerning their ________________________.

The Church and Conflict

Identifying Satan's Methods

The Reality of Church Conflict

1. The presence of conflict among God's people has caused great men to ________________________.

2. In the epistles of Paul and James, we see the ________________________________ of existing conflict among local church members.

*a. Paul's first epistle to the church at Corinth is largely a _____________________ against conflict. Yet, Paul reminds the same group of people that they have the "________________ of Christ" (I Cor. 2:16).

b. James addresses a group who has "__________________________" among itself to the point of ________________________ against God. Yet, he reminds this shameful group that they were partakers of the ________________________ of God (Jam. 4:6).

*3. Two of the biggest misconceptions concerning God's work are:

*a. true believers are incapable of ________________________;

*b. a local church will not have __________________________.

4. The person who thinks that he or she is not capable of being a ________________________ or ________________________ of conflict should heed the warning of the Apostle Paul (I Cor. 10:12).

a. Realization of ________________________ potential, for both good and evil, should govern our lives and service to God.

b. Realization of personal weakness is not a ________________________ to the believer; rather, it is a ________________________.

5. A pastor is not a problem ________________________, he is a problem ________________________.

Two Stages of Conflict

1. Conflict is a process which must be dealt with during two ________________________.

*2. The two general stages of conflict are:

*a. the ____________________________ stage

*b. the ____________________________ or present stage.

3. In essence, the ministry is _____________________ potential conflicts and ________________________ present conflicts.

a. Every person and every church has _____________________ potential conflict which must be thwarted before it germinates into a _____________________ conflict.

b. Once a conflict becomes present, it must be ____________________________.

The Reason for Church Conflict

1. Two great facts:

a. _____________________ is the author of all conflict;

b. preventing God's ____________________________ is his goal.

*2. The believer has access to a power which is ____________________________ to that of Satan (I John 4:4; Rom. 8:2; I Cor. 6:11).

*3. Since Satan has no _____________________ means of defeating God's purpose, he must find an ____________________________ way to hinder the cause of God. (Eph. 6:11).

*a. The word wiles is the Greek word from which we get our English word ________________________.

b. There is a personal ____________________________ common to every believer which the devil will use as a method to hinder the work of God.

*c. However, this weakness can be protected by spiritual _____________________.

4. The two examples provided by Paul and James not only reveal the reality of conflict, but also reveal the method Satan uses to ____________________________ and _____________________ church conflict.

5. Both Paul and James give a ____________________________ statement concerning the reason behind church conflicts.

a. Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?" (I Cor. 3:3).

b. James wrote to Jewish believers, "From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?" (James 4:1).

*c. Paul emphasizes the ____________________________ element of conflict, while James stresses the ___________________________ element.

*d. The weakness used by Satan is summed up in one word _ ________________________.

(1) Paul speaks directly "...ye are yet _____________________."

(2) James uses the words ____________________________ and _____________________ to convey the same meaning.

e. For now, we will simply identify Satan's indirect avenue of attack as ____________________________.

6. The Word of God identifies and recognizes the flesh as the ____________________________ of potential
conflict and the ______________ of the tree of present conflict.

7. Biblical examples:

a. Jesus concerning the ____________________________ of the flesh (Matt. 26:41; Matt. 14:38; John 6:63).

b. Paul concerning ____________________________ conflict with the flesh (Rom. 8:4-8)

c. Paul concerning ____________________________ conflict with the flesh. (Rom. 7:18-25)

d. Paul concerning the _____________________ conflict with the flesh. (Gal. 5:17).

e. Peter concerning the ____________________________ of the conflict with the flesh (II Pet. 2:9-10).

f. John concerning the _____________________ conflict with the flesh (I John 2:16).

Defining Carnality

1. There are two Greek words which define carnality.

*a. The first Greek word used is sarx {sarx} which refers to the _______________ flesh and the natural _________________________ of of the flesh.

*b. The most common word is sarkikos {sar-kee-kos'} which appears ________ times in the New Testament.

(1) It is translated ____________________ 9 times and _________________________ 2 times.

*(2) This word carries the idea of being ________________________________________ of the sarx, or fleshly appetites.

(3) Strong defines carnality as being "_________________________ by mere human nature and not by the Spirit of God."

*2. In essence, carnality is living according to the _________________________ of men, rather than the ______________ of God.

Misconceptions Concerning Carnality

There are two serious misconceptions concerning carnality.

1. Many view the flesh as an area where Satan has ______________________________ than God.

a. Concerning the Lost.

(1) God holds the ____________________ of the flesh of the natural man in His hands.

(2) The natural life of every person is a ___________________________________ which God has the power to _______________ at any time (Job 12:9-10; 21:17).

(3) To believe that the flesh of the lost is beyond God's ultimate control is to deny the divine ___________________________________ of God.

b. Concerning the believer:

*(1) Although Satan can use the flesh against God, God still has the ____________________ power over the flesh.

*(a) This is seen in His ability to ____________________ a saved person's time in the flesh (I John 5:16-17).

(b) Only God knows and sets the _________________________ which ends the physical life of the believer.

*(2) God also has _________________________ power over the flesh.

*(a) He has the power to restrain the dangerous _________________________ of the flesh.

(b) God carries out this restraint through two means (I Cor. 10:13).

(c) One means by which God restrains the flesh is denying the _____________________________:

"...God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able..."

[1] The expression "God will not suffer" simply means that He will ________________________ certain opportunities to come our way.

[2] In Christ's model prayer, he urged us to ______________________________ this power of God with the expression (Matt. 6:13; Luke 11:4).

*(d) Another means by which God restrains the flesh is offering an _______________________ action.

"...but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

*[1] This is done through ______________________________ of the Word of God and concern of other _________________________.

[2] This takes place through our union with a ______________________________.

[3] God directs our pastor and teachers to the portion of His Word which will prepare us for ___________________________________ (Heb. 13:17).

[4] Through the local assembly, God also keeps the believer in contact with the influence of ______________________________ (Col. 3:16; Heb 3:13; Heb. 10:24-25).

(e) However, the believer must also realize that God can allow the flesh to work in its own ___________________________________.

*(f) There is a point where a believer is to be _________________________ from the instruction, fellowship and protection of the local church (I Cor. 5:4-5).

*[1] The word destruction refers to a ____________________ of being destroyed.

[2] The believer surrendered to the unchallenged _________________________ of Satan and the world will reap the destruction of the flesh.

(3) One of the greatest deceptions of sin and carnality is concerning God's ________________________.

(a) God's patience is to allow time to ___________________ and not His ______________________ of the inability to overcome the flesh

(b) Another deception is believing that others are ___________________________________ sin.

(c) Those deceived by sin tend to look for a ____________________ so they can turn back before they reach that line set by God. However, the _________________ is already given in God's Word (Rom. 13:14).

2. The second misconception concerning carnality is that the flesh provides an ____________________ for ______________________________ in sin.

*a. Being saved by grace does not _______________ living in carnality (I Pet. 2:16).

(1) We often hear and offer excuses for our failure to correct sinful actions and rise above our ________________________________________.

(2) No believer can honestly excuse or justify carnality by presenting himself unable to change because of _________________________ or _______________ influence (II Cor. 5:17; Rom. 6:19-22).

*b. Another danger comes when a person convinces himself that because he is human, he _________________________.

(1) The first temptation of the __________________________________________ of man is to seek an excuse for the evil he is doing or about to do.

(2) The most popular way is to attribute their sin to the common __________________________ of the flesh which must be ____________________________ and forgotten.

(3) Justifying sinful actions provides a _____________________ for future generations to commit the same evil deeds without any ____________________________.

Conclusion Concerning Carnality

1. The ability to justify the deeds of the flesh promotes ____________________________ which is the root of all _____________________.

2. As believers, we must remember that the devil's crowd will _____________________ its own sinful actions.

3. The devil's crowd seeks to __________________________ the faults of God's children.

4. God's children should seek God's Divine power in the ____________________________ of carnal sins rather than seeking excuses for _____________________ to the flesh.

5. Carnality should not be viewed as an area where God has ____________________________ or as an _____________________ for committing sin.

*6. Carnality is a nature which manifests itself when a person places emphasis on the _____________________ and ____________________________ of the flesh.

7. Although carnality is the major cause of all human conflict; it, in itself, is a conflict between God and Satan __________________________________________.

Session Eight:
The Church and Conflict
The Structure of Carnality


1. Many people drift deeper into carnality because they either ________________ carnality or use it for an

2. Any approach to dealing with personal, inter-personal, or church conflict which does not address the problem
of ________________________ is ________________________.

*3. Most people seek answers to personal and church conflicts in the field of _____________________________.

4. Unless the issue of carnality is acknowledged and dealt with, there is no ________________ and
________________________ resolve to conflict.

The Structure of Carnality

*1. Structure is defined as "the way in which parts are arranged or put together to ________________________________________________."

2. The "whole" that we are referring to in this case is the great overall conflict between ________________________________________. Where does carnality fit into this structure?

3. Within the structure of over-all conflict, there are three types of people ________________________ and ________________________ (I Corinthians 2: 12-3:3).

Three Classes of People

1. First, there are three _____________________ mentioned:

*a. The _____________________ man who is actually a _____________ spirit in a ______________ body (Eph. 2:1-3).

*b. The spiritual man who is a ________________ spirit in a ________________________ body. (Rom. 8:10-13; Col. 3:5-6).

*(1) Both Greek words commonly used for mortify mean literally "to make ________________," but carry the idea of rendering something or some one as having no ________________________ or ________________________________.

(2) The spiritual person brings the _______________ under the authority of the ___________________ (Rom. 8:11; Gal. 2:19-20).

*c. The carnal man who is a living spirit who ________________________________________ the power and authority of the dead flesh.

(1) Therefore, the present life lived in the flesh is robbed of spiritual power (Rom. 8:12).

(2) The believer is ________________________________ to obey the flesh.

Three Conflicts

*1. The natural man wars against ______________.

a. The natural man is in conflict with ________________________________ (Rom. 8:7-8).

*(1) Enmity is defined as "________________________________________."

(2) The natural man's chief motive for "good works" is to ___________ self rather than ______________ God.

(3) History proves that the more ________________________________ a person becomes, the more ________________ he becomes against God.

*b. The natural man is in conflict with God's ________________ (Philip. 3:18-19).

*(1) The cross of Christ is the ________________________ of all God pleasing and God honoring work and the direct statement of God concerning the ______________________________ of man's work.

(2) The natural man is opposed to ________________________________ and trusting completely in the work of Christ on the cross.

(3) Men use the emblem of the cross for ________________, ________________________, and ________________________________ .

(4) The very purpose of the cross of Christ was to ________________________ the conflict between God and natural fallen man (Eph. 2:15-16).

(5) Most lost people choose a carnal life seasoned with for conscience sake.

*(6) Natural does not mean ______________________________ (Matt. 12:30; also Luke 11:23).

(a) According to Christ, there is no neutrality because, at its best, neutrality ________________________________________the work of the cross.

(b) The "neutral" person feels safe as long as he is not as "________________________" as those on the right and not as ________________________ as those on the left.

*2. The spiritual man wars against ________________ (Eph. 6:12).

*a. The spiritual man has been _______________________________ to God through the cross of Christ (Rom. 8:1-4).

*b. The spiritual man is ________________ to the Word of God (John 6:63).

*c. The spiritual man is ________________________________ to the Holy Spirit's leading (Rom. 8:5)

(1) In establishing ________________________ for living (Romans 8:6-9).

(2) In the pursuit of ________________________________ (I Cor. 2:12-13).

(3) In the maintenance of ________________________________________ (I Cor. 12:7-13; Eph. 4:1-3).

(4) In the production of ________________________________ (Gal. 5:22-25).

(5) In the recognition of ________________________ of the flesh (Philip. 3:3).

1. The natural man is a __________ spirit in a _________________ body who is in conflict with ___________.

2. The spiritual man is a __________________ spirit in a ______________________________ body who is in conflict with ____________.

3. The carnal man is the person who is born again, yet does not exercise his authority over his ______________________________ flesh.

*4. The carnal person seems to be in conflict with ____________________________________.

Characteristics of Carnality
(I Cor. 3:1-4).

1. Carnality is distinguished from ______________________________.

*a. The carnal person fails to qualify as a ________________________ person.

*b. The people of the Early Church when selecting deacons were told to consider only "men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom" (Acts 6:1-3). In other words, these men were to be classified as ______________________________ people.

*2. They were to be "men" which denotes ________________________.

*a. The word used here is not anthropos {anth'-ro-pos} which simply refers to the _____________________.

*b. It is the word aner {an'-ayr} which refers to an ______________________________.

c. Later, in the Corinthian Epistle, Paul would use the same word to describe maturity in ___________________________________. (I Cor. 13:11).

d. The expression "put away" means to __________________________________________ of immature thinking and goals.

*3. They were to be of honest report which denotes ______________________________.

*a. The term "honest report" is the Greek word (martureo {mar-too-reh'-o}) from which we get our English word ______________________________.

b. Dedication demands a certain amount of ________________________ and ______________________.

*4. They were to be "full of the Holy Ghost" which denotes ______________________________.

*a. Discernment means "having keen __________________ and good ________________________."

b. The spiritual person is one who through faithful ______________________________ to the leading of the Holy Spirit has gained the ______________________________ to recognize and resolve spiritual conflict within himself and his group.

c. Technically speaking, spirituality is not merely a state of being ________________________; it is a state of being ________________________ (Rom. 13:14)

5. Also, we notice that spirituality not only equips for service, it _____________________ sin.

a. The carnal person prepares a place in his/her life for ______________________________ to dwell.

b. The spiritual person has determined that there will be no place prepared in his/her life for the lust to ____________________________________ (Rom. 1:26-27; Heb. 13:4).

6. The basic characteristic of carnality is the ________________________ of the characteristics of spirituality - maturity, dedication, and discernment (I Pet. 2:11).

7. Spirituality is a threat to carnality; and carnality is a threat to ______________________________.

Therefore, the characteristics of carnality are:

*a. ______________________________ as opposed to maturity.

(1) Immaturity is not a sin in itself. It is the failure to ____________________________________ that Paul rebukes.

(2) Paul is speaking to people who have been exposed to ______________________________________ and should know better.

(3) The idea here is that of a person being __________________.

(4) Before a person can be fed the solid food of ________________________ Bible training, he/she should have the spiritual system to __________________ such teaching.

(5) The carnal Bible student walks around spewing up undigested ____________, while it is evident in his/her life that no true spiritual ________________________ was ever obtained.

*b. ______________________________ as opposed to dedication.

(1) The carnal person is so occupied with his/her immature goal that the dedication needed for growth is ________________________ or ________________________.

(2) The carnal person remains immature and in __________________ with God's _________________.

*c. ________________________ as opposed to discernment.

(1) God's work is __________________ and demands ______________________________.

(2) When ___________________________ reasoning takes the place of godly what should be God's work becomes the ______________________________ (I Cor. 3:4).

(3) Carnality seeks to glorify human ____________ rather than God's ___________________________ working in and upon humans.

Recognizing And Resolving Conflict

1. Three characteristics of carnality and the conflict caused by them.

a. ______________________________ which is in conflict with ________________________ (I Pet. 2:2; Heb. 5:14).

b. ______________________________ which is in conflict with ________________________ (Col. 2:6-8).

(1) There is a pursuit of knowledge which leaves the person spiritually ________________________ (Rom. 1:21-22; II Tim. 3:7).

*(2) Spiritually speaking, tradition can be summed up as simply getting into the __________________ of doing other things.

*(3) The believer who follows the ________________________ of the world and governs him/herself by the world's ____________ will be and remain in carnality.

c. ______________________________ which is in conflict with ______________________________ (Eph. 1:17-18).

(1) The carnal person is easily tricked by ____________.

(2) The carnal person is slow to listen to Bible ________________________.

Resolving Conflict

What steps can be taken in resolving personal and church conflict?

*1. Make sure that your ____________________________________ (I Pet. 3:16-17; 4:14-16).

a. If your goal is spiritual, the opposition will be from ____________________________________.

b. If your goal is carnal, you are in ____________________________________.

*2. Keep your___________________________________ (II Tim. 2:14-16).

.*3. Remember that there will be opposition to any ____________________________________ (II Tim. 3:10-12; I Pet. 5:8-9).

*4. Acknowledge the __________________________________________ in any person, including yourself (Rom. 7:18; I Cor. 10:12; Heb. 3:12).

*5. Acknowledge that a ____________________________________ (I Cor. 5:1-2).

*6. Identify the particular ____________ and ____________ of conflict.

*a. __________________ conflict (I Cor. 5:1a; Jam. 4:1).

*b. ______________________________ conflict (I I Pet. 2:1-2).

(1) It is the responsibility of each member to identify and condemn those who sow seeds of ______________________________ and __________________ among the local assembly (Heb. 12:11-13).

(2) Often, a ______________________________ remedy is found rather than correcting the ________________________ of the conflict.

*(3) Chastisement is done to correct ____________________________________ in children which will ultimately bring ____________________________________.

*7. Determine the ________________________________________________ to the conflict.

a. Consider the__________________________________________of those involved (I Thes. 5:14; II Tim. 3:16).

*(1) Ignorance of the truth requires __________________________________________ (II Tim. 2:24-26).

*(2) Rebellion against truth demands a ____________________________________ (Rom. 1:18; I Tim. 5:20; II Tim. 2:8; Tit. 1:10-13).

*b Realize that the instrumentality of the believer is according to ____________________________________ (Rom. 6:11-16).

*c. Determine the __________________________________________.

*(1) ______________________________ based on repentance (Matt. 18:15; Luke 17:3-4; Col. 3:13).

*(2) ________________________ based on continued rebellion (Matt. 18:16-17; Rom. 16:17; I Cor. 5:13; Eph. 5:11; I Tim. 6:5; II Tim. 3:5).