(BI 102) New Testament Survey I - Gospels & Acts
Student Handout

Course Description

Five lectures and personal work projects comparing the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for an overview of the life and ministry of Christ. Five lectures and personal work projects on the Book of Acts concentrating on the growth and development of the Early Church through the spread of the Gospel.

Introduction To The Course

What are the New Testament Historical Books?
The Bible is divided into two main divisions: the Old Testament (Genesis- Malachi); and the New Testament (Matthew- Revelation). The Old Testament is divided into four parts: The Law or Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy); History (Joshua- Esther); Poetry (Job- Song of Solomon); and Prophecy (Isaiah- Malachi). The New Testament is divided into four parts: The Historical Books (Matthew- Acts); The Epistles of Paul (Romans - Philemon); The General Epistles (Hebrews [note: The Book of Hebrews is usually included with the Epistles of Paul. It is placed with the General Epistles in our study for sake of space]- Jude); and Prophecy (The Revelation). In this course, we will be studying the New Testament Historical Books. The events recorded in these five books (Matthew to Acts) give the account of the life and ministry of Christ and the development of the Early Church. The books surveyed in this study are: (1) Matthew (2) Mark (3) Luke (4) John (5) Acts

Notes on the Gospels

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

Christ, The Eternal Son of God

The Pre-incarnate Christ

*1. Pre-incarnate means __________________________.

2. Who is the “Word” mentioned in John 1: 1, 14? ____________________________________

3. Later, Jesus made a remarkable statement to the Jews in John 8:57-58. Jesus told the Jews
that _______________ rejoiced to see His (Christ’s) day.

4. As Christ prayed to God the Father in John 17:5, we discover that Christ not only existed in
time past, but also in __________________ past.

The Divine Christ

*1. When we speak of the deity of Christ, we are saying that __________________________.

2. The Bible teaches that God exists in three persons; God the Father, God the Son and God the
Holy Spirit. This is known in Bible study as the doctrine of the _______________________.

3. These three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, make up what is called the
Godhead. The word used in Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9 to describe the tri-unity of God
is “__________________.”

4. As previously mentioned, the teaching of the trinity is clear in its presentation in the Word of
God; BUT it is not clear in its comprehension. We cannot comprehend this with our natural
mind. Paul expressed the faith it takes to accept the doctrine of the trinity in I Timothy 3:16. He
refers to the Godhead as the “________________________________.”

5. Yet, within the Gospels, there are statements made about Christ that could only be said about
God Himself. One passage is John 5:19-29 where Christ reveals God the Son’s
________________________ to God the Father in a seven fold way.

6. Another passage of importance is Hebrews Chapter 1 where further statements are made
about Christ that could only be made ______________ _______ ____________.

7. John 1:1 clearly states that “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and
the Word was God” As a word reveals an invisible thought, Christ is the very
_______________________________________________ of the invisible godhead.

8. The proof of the eternal deity of Christ is brought into clearer focus in John Chapter 1, verse 3
where we discover that the Word was the __________________ of all things.

9. Colossians 1:15-17 speaks of Jesus being the image of the invisible God, the
___________________________ of every creature.

10. There are two basic grounds for fellowship and separation, and both have to do with the
doctrine of the deity of Christ. One is the deity of Christ and the other is the
_______________________________ of Christ.

11. If Christ is not eternally God, He is not totally and perfectly pure. If Jesus is just a man, he
would have been a __________________ just like the rest of us.

12. If Jesus is not completely pure without spot or blemish, He is not qualified to take our place
on Calvary as the perfect ______________________ for sin.

Four Views of Christ

1. There are few ancient sources outside the Word of God that even mention the life of Jesus
Christ. The difference between the four Gospels and any other account is that the Gospels
were ________________ of God and without error.

2. There were three major political, social and religious influences on Palestine at the time of
Christ’s birth. God had been providentially working to set the stage for the coming of His Son.
These three influences were the ____________, the _____________, and the __________.

3. Politically, the Greeks had no direct influence because the Greek Empire had fallen under
Roman rule. The Greeks did, however, give the world a common ________________.

4. Rome was influential the world empire at the time of Christ. Rome unified the world politically
as never before. Although they established a common emperor, money, taxation, etc., their
major contribution to the spread of the Gospel was the building of _______________.

5. Conquered areas were allowed to keep local laws and customs as long as they were
acceptable with Rome. ___________________________, with no power but to obey Rome,
were appointed to keep the area under Roman influence, collect taxes and administer justice.

6. The Jews were God’s chosen people through Abraham (2000 B.C.). The Jews were set apart
by God to receive, preserve, and transmit God’s ____________________ to man.

7. The four Jewish religious institutions were the _______________________, the
________________, the __________________, and the _____________________.

8. After 150 B.C., there were four major religious groups among the Jews. These included the
__________________, the ____________________, the ___________________, and the

9. Three of the four Gospels are known as the _________________________ Gospels.

10. Because of variations in material included or omitted, order of events and choice of wording
in such passages as Matthew 8:2-4, Mark 1:40-45, and Luke 5:12-15, the comparisons of
the Synoptic Gospels also seem to present what is known as the

11. The Gospel of _______________ concentrates more on the divine person and miracles of
Christ, and covers a lesser period of time.

12. The four Gospels present different things about the life and ministry of Christ, but the truth of
His ____________, ____________________ and _______________________ are
always the same.

*13. Matthew’s Gospel is written from the Jewish point of view and presents Christ as the
______________________________________ to the longing Jew.

*14. Mark’s point of view is from the Roman standpoint and presents Christ as the
_____________________________________________ to the proud Roman.

*15. Luke’s point of view is believed to be Greek in nature because he presents Christ as the
______________________________________ to the humanistic Greek.

note: Luke was a physician (Col 4:14) and journeyed with Paul (Acts 16:10).

*16. John writes to the world at large to present Christ as the __________________________.

Birth and Childhood of Christ

1. First, we must realize that the birth of Christ was according to Divine Promise. In Isaiah 7:14,
we find the prophesy of the ___________________________________.

*2. Micah 5:2 foretells that Christ would be born in ______________________________.

3. New Testament short-range prophecies of the birth of Christ were given to Mary (Luke 1:27-
38) and Joseph (Matthew 1:19-25). Both are commanded to name the child ____________.

4. The birth of Christ was preceded by appearances of the angelic messenger
___________________ to Zacharias and Mary (Luke 1:11-27).

*5. The parents of John the Baptist were __________________________________________.

6. The town of Bethlehem, located 6 miles south of Jerusalem and approximately 75 miles
almost directly south from Nazareth, was brought into view when Augustus issued a
______________________ (Luke 2:1-6).

7. Mary and Joseph were required to register in Bethlehem because of their relationship to the
lineage of ___________________ (Luke 2:1-5).

8. The angel of the Lord appeared to the __________________ there in the fields to announce
Christ’s birth (Luke 2:8-20).

*9. _______________________________________ were present at the dedication of Christ in
the Temple (Luke 2:22-38).

10. The __________________________ traveled from the east (beyond the Euphrates) to
“worship” the new King of Israel (Matthew 2:1-12).

*11. In jealousy, ______________________________ sought to deceive the wise men to know
the whereabouts of the child who would be king (Matthew 2:1-19).

12. There are two ______________________________ of Christ recorded in Matthew 1:1-16,
and Luke 3:23-38.

13. Having been warned by an angel of the plan of Herod, Joseph and Mary took Christ into
__________________ (Matthew 2:13-15, 19-21).

14. For fear of Archelaus, Joseph returned and dwelt in _________________________
(Matthew 2:19-23).

15. With the exception of Luke’s Gospel, there is little spoken about Christ’s

16. Luke 2:41-49 tells of the wisdom of Christ as He is found conversing with the doctors in the
temple. It is here, we notice at the age of twelve, Christ was very much aware of His
_____________________ .

17. ______________________________________ was the son of Zacharias, the aged priest,
and Elisabeth, the cousin of Mary. He baptized Jesus. (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11;
Luke 3:21-23).

18. Christ’s baptism was a picture of His ________________________________________.

19. After being baptized, Jesus was led of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the
devil. Jesus had fasted for forty days and forty nights when the devil began to tempt Him. In
the temptation of Christ, we see the devil’s misuse of and Christ’s victory through the
____________________________ (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13).

20. Christ was tempted in all points like as we are, yet without ____________ (Hebrews 4:15).

Survey of Christ’s Three Year Public Ministry
The First Year of Christ’s Public Ministry (The Year of Obscurity)
(Reference: John 1:19-4:42)

1. As John the Baptist was baptizing in the Jordan River at Bethabara, two of John’s disciples,
____________________ and _______________, heard him speak and followed Jesus
John 1:19-40).

2. Andrew found his brother, _______________, and brought him to Christ (John 1:40-42).

3. The next two disciples were _____________________ and ______________________
(John 1:43-51).

*4. Christ performed His first miracle of changing water into wine at a wedding held in
____________ (John 2:1-11).

5. The purpose of this first miracle was not merely a demonstration of power but a
______________________ ____________________________.

6. From Cana, Christ went to Capernaum. After a few days, He went to Jerusalem to observe
the feast of ________________________ (John 2:12-13).

7. Jesus, in His _______________________________________________________,
drove the salesmen and money changers out of the Temple (John 2:13-17).

8. When Jesus told the Jews about raising the temple back up, He was speaking of His
_________________ (John 2:18-25).

*9. Nicodemus was a ____________________; yet, Christ needed to teach him the difference
between mere religion and true salvation (John 3:1-21).

10. The teaching that Christ shared with Nicodemus was the doctrine of the

*11. From Jerusalem, the ministry of Christ moved out into the surrounding area of Judaea. At
the same time, the ministry of John the Baptist moved from Bethabara northward to Aenon.
Christ then left Judaea and journeyed north to Galilee. As He traveled, He told His disciples
that He needed to go through ________________________ (John 4:1-4).

*12. At the well, Jesus met a woman and used the example of the water of the well to teach her
about the water of ___________________ (John 4:5-42).

The Second Year of Christ’s Ministry (The Year of Popularity)
(Reference: Matthew 4:12-14:36; Mark 1:14- 6:56; Luke 4:14- 9:17; John 4:43-6:71)

1. As Christ returned from Jerusalem, he came to Cana where he had previously turned the
water into wine. While in Cana, Christ healed ___________________________________
(John 4:1-21).

2. From Cana, Jesus traveled to His childhood home of Nazareth. During His visit, He
presented Himself as the Messiah in the synagogue. The reaction of the people was one of
_____________________________ (Luke 4:16-30).

3. From Nazareth, Christ traveled northeast to _______________________ (Luke 4:31-32).

4. At Capernaum, Jesus called four fishermen (Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20) to forsake all
and become “fishers of men.” The famous day of ________________________ also took
place at this time at Capernaum (Mark 1:21-34).

5. After traveling throughout Galilee, teaching and working miracles, Christ was returning to
Capernaum. He called Levi to follow Him. and Levi left the tax table to follow Christ and
became known as ______________________ (Matt. 9:9; 10:3; Mark 2:13-17; Luke 5;27-29).

6. During this particular stay in Capernaum, Christ healed a man who had been paralyzed
(Matthew 9:2; Mark 2:3; Luke 5:20), and taught the people using the parable of the
_____________________________________ (Matt. 9:14-17; Mark 2:18-22; Luke 5:33-39).

7. After attending the Passover feast in Jerusalem, where He healed an impotent man
(John 5:1; John 5:2-16), Jesus returned to Galilee. Upon His arrival, He began to teach and
preach in a ___________________________ near the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 12:9-14;
Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11).

8. The Disciples: It was during this time that Christ confirmed and sent out His
___________________________________________________ to the lost sheep of Israel
(Matthew 10:1-2; Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:6-11).

The names of the twelve disciples are:
(1)_____________________ (5)_____________________ (9)_____________________
(2)_____________________ (6)_____________________ (10)_____________________
(3)_____________________ (7)_____________________ (11)_____________________
(4)_____________________ (8)_____________________ (12)_____________________

*9. Christ delivered the famous _________________________________________________
at Mt. Hattin (Matthew 5:1-7:29).

10. After returning to Capernaum, Christ healed a centurion’s servant and remained there for a
short time (Matthew 8:1-13; Luke 7:1-10). Christ then launched a teaching and preaching
campaign throughout all Galilee. While on this preaching campaign, word came to Him
from _______________________________________ (Matthew 11:2-19; Luke 7:18-35).

11. The ministry of Christ centered around the Sea of Galilee toward the close of the second
year. In Matthew 13, we read where Christ delivered His famous
___________________________________ parables by the Sea of Galilee (Matt. 13:1-52).

12. Later, that same day, as Christ and His disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee, a mighty
tempest arose. Christ rebuked the wind and calmed the mighty storm (Matthew 8:18-27;
Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25). When they landed on the other side, they were approached
by the _____________________________________, whom Christ healed (Mark 5:1-20).

13. After making a return crossing of the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum, Christ healed a woman
with an issue of blood and raised the daughter of Jairus (Mark 5:21-43) and launched
another campaign throughout Galilee. It was during this time that Christ made His final visit
to His hometown of ________________________ (Mark 6:1-6).

14. ______________________ plotted to have John the Baptist killed by having her daughter,
Salome ask for John’s head on a platter ((Matthew 14:6-12; Mark 6:21-29).

15. As a result of the feeding of the multitude, the people wanted to _____________________
(Matt. 14:13-21; Mark 6:33-44; Luke 9:11-17; John 6:2-15).

16. With the _________________________________ Sermon, the year of popularity came to
an end (John 6:26-71)

The Third Year of Christ’s Public Ministry (The Year of Opposition)
(Reference: Matthew 15-20; Mark 7-10; Luke 9:18-19:27; John 7:1-12:11)

1. As the third year begins, the _________________________________________________
came up from Jerusalem and began to dispute with Christ (Matthew 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23).

2. Christ left Capernaum and journeyed north to the coastal cities of ____________________
_______________________ in the area of Phoenicia (Matthew 15: 21-28; Mark 7:24-30).

3. Leaving Phoenicia, Jesus traveled southeast to Decapolis, where he
__________________________________________ (Matthew 15:32-39; Mark 8:1-9).

*4. From Decapolis, Christ made His way north through Bethsaida to
_______________________________________ where Peter proclaimed that Jesus was
the Christ, the Son of God (Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21).

5. Jesus then prophesied of His ________________________________________________
(Matthew 16:20-21).

*6. Also, in the area about Caesarea-Philippi, Christ took Peter, James and John up to a
mountain, and was there ______________________________ (Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-
13; Luke 9:28-36).

7. Christ then made a secret journey with His disciples into Judaea where He
and sent them out into all of Judaea (Luke 10:1-23).

8. During the three months that Christ ministered in Judaea, He attended the Feasts of
____________________ ________________________________ in Jerusalem
(John 7:1-30; John 10:22-39).

9. As opposition escalated, Christ carried His public ministry across the _________________
River into Perea (Mark 10:1).

10. As Christ taught His disciples in Perea, word came from Bethany concerning
________________________, the brother of Mary and Martha (John 11:1-16).

*11. When Jesus reached ____________________, He miraculously raised Lazarus from the
dead (John 11:17-46).

12. Following the visit to Bethany, Jesus went to a place called _______________________
which is located near the wilderness in Perea (John 11:47-54).

13. The total Perean ministry lasted about three months and at the end of that period of time,
Jesus and His disciples again crossed over Jordan through ________________ toward
Jerusalem for Christ’s final Passover (Luke 18:35-19:10).

14. The final year of the public ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ came to a close with Christ
preparing to enter into Jerusalem to celebrate His final _______________________
(John 11:55-12:11).

The Teachings of Christ (Selected Examples)

*1. Christ used three types of teaching to present His message. These three types of teaching
are 1) __________________, 2) ____________________ 3) ______________________.

2. The teaching at Nazareth (Luke 4:16-32), the teaching on the mount (Matthew 5-7), and the
Bread of Life Discourse at Capernaum (John 6) would all be examples of the use of

3. In the Sermon at Nazareth, Jesus proclaimed His relationship to the
___________________________________ (Luke 4:16-32)

4. The theme of the Sermon on the Mount is Christ’s relationship to the
______________________ (Matthew 5-7).

5. In the Bread of Life Discourse, Jesus declares His relationship to ____________________
(John 6).

6. The manna was given by God to sustain physical life, but Christ said He was the true bread
who had come down from heaven, from the Father, to give _________________________.

7. In the four Gospels, Christ also set forth over 50 _______________________.

8. In Matthew 13, Christ explains the characteristics, or the aspects, of the

9. In the Parables of Lost Things in Luke 15, we discover that a person can be
____________________________ and still be lost.

10. In Luke 10:25-37, the poor, lost, helpless sinner is represented by a man who fell among
thieves. The good Samaritan is a picture of ________________.

11. The parable of the Vine and Branches recorded in John 15:1-10 teaches us that we are to
bring forth ____________ unto God in our lives.

12. When we speak of Christ’s use of prophesy, we mean __________________________

*13. One of the more famous short range prophecies is the cursing of the fig tree that withered
the very next day. There is another short range prophecy given in Matthew 16:21, Luke 9:22
and John 2:18-22. This is the prophecy of Christ’s own

*14. In John 14:1-3, we find a long range prophecy concerning the
____________________________________________ of Christ.

15. In Matthew Chapters 24 and 25, we find both short and long range prophecies, although the
major part of this prophecy is long range. In the first two verses we see the short range
prophecy concerning the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. Forty years later the
temple was completely destroyed as Christ had predicted. The expression “But he that shall
endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” in verse 13 of Chapter 24 can be properly
placed in the future because of the mention of the ________________________________
in the following verse.

16. Some commentators apply the teachings of Matthew Chapter 25 to the church. For example:
the ten virgins represent the professing church of today. The five foolish virgins are
__________________________________________ of Christ without true heart belief.

17. The teaching of the sheep and goat judgment has also been misapplied. There are those
who try to use this passage to teach a “_______________________________________”
where Christ will gather every person in one place to determine who is saved and who is
lost. This teaching is false aot consistent with the complete teaching of Scripture.

The Miracles of Christ
(Selected Examples of the Miracles of Christ)

*1. The word in the New Testament for “miracle” means “a ___________________________.”

2. Christ did not work miracles for the
_________________________________________________________ of men.

3. Christ’s miracles were a sign unto Israel that Jesus was ___________________________
(Matthew 11:4-6).

4. According to Romans Chapter 1, verse 16, the miracle of ___________________________
is a great and mighty manifestation of God’s power.

5. Because Jesus was God in flesh, the miracles He performed were an outflow of His
___________________________________ (John 5:17-20).

6. John 3:16 states; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that
whosoever believeth on Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Therefore, the
miracle of Christ’s redemptive work was an outflow of the divine

Types of Miracles

1. There were miracles of nature. These miracles establish the ________________________
of Christ as Creator over His creation.

2. There were miracles that supplied a particular need such as food, water etc. which clearly
reveal Christ’s _______________________________.

3. Then there were the miracles involving the ____________________ of the human body.

4. The miracles of raising the dead confirmed Christ’s position as ______________________
(John 5:25-29).

5. The miracles of casting out devils shows Christ’s absolute authority over the
_______________________________________ (Mark 1:27).

The Final Week
(Reference: Matthew 21- 27:34; Mark 11-15:23; Luke 19:28-23:33; John 12:12-19:17)

*1. The Passion Week begins with the __________________________________________,
which was a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9. (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-44;
John 12:1-8).

*2. The next day, Christ walked back down to Jerusalem from Bethany, and on His way He
noticed a ____________ _______________ that bore no fruit and there He pronounced a
curse upon it (Matthew 21:18-22).

3. When Christ arrived in Jerusalem, He once again _________________________________
(Mark 11:15-19).

4. As Christ taught in the temple, He was confronted by the
_________________________________________________ (Matthew 21:23- 22:46).

5. The first thing the Pharisees tried to do was trap Him between Israel and the Roman
government on the subject of _______________ ____________ (Matthew 22:15-22).

6. Next, the Sadducees, who believed there was ____________________________________,
questioned Him concerning marriage in the hereafter (Matthew 22:23-33).

7. Then, the _______________________, who claimed to be the Bible scholars, asked Him
which was the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:34-46).

*8. As He returned to Bethany, Christ gave the prophesy of the
______________________________________________ to His disciples (Matthew 24:1-2).

9. During this discourse, Christ also foretold the events leading up to His
________________________________________ in glory (Matthew 24:3-51; Mark 13:1-37).

10. This prophecy is referred to as the _______________________________________
because of where it was given (Matthew 24:3).

11. The religious leaders, having failed in their attempt to trap and discredit Christ before the
people, then bargained with ___________________________________ to betray Christ
(Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 14:10-11; Luke 22:3-6).

*12. The following day was probably spent in rest and personal instruction with His disciples
while in Bethany. However, the following day, Christ made His final departure from Bethany
and went to Jerusalem to eat the _________________________________________ with
His disciples (Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:12-25; Luke 22:7-38; John 13:1-17:26).

13. After the supper, Christ and His disciples sang a hymn and went out to the
__________________________________________________ (Matthew 26:30).

14. From there, Christ proceeded to _________________ where He prayed and sweat, as it
were, great drops of blood from His brow (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46;
John 18:1).

15. At that time, Judas, who knew this place well, came to the garden with the
____________________________________________ (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52;
Luke 22:47-53; John 18:2-12).

16. After the arrest, they then took Christ away to stand before ______________________, the
Ex-High Priest (John 18:13, 14, 19-23).

17. Annas, being disturbed by the whole matter, bound Jesus and sent Him to his son-in-law,
________________, the acting high priest (Matthew 26:57-68; John 18:24).

18. Meanwhile, _______________________ who had been outside, denied Christ three times as the cock crowed (Matthew 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-75; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-27).

19. As morning arrived, the Jewish religious leaders assembled. This group of religious
hypocrites was known as the ________________________________.

20. The Jews then took Christ to stand before the Roman governor,
_____________________________________________ (Matthew 27:3-14; Mark 15:1-5;
Luke 23:1-5; John 18:28-38).

21. Next Christ was taken to stand before King _____________________________________
(Luke 23:6-10).

22. The Jewish religious leaders were angered when Jesus was sent to Herod Antipas
because they knew Herod had no actual authority to have
__________________________________________________ (Luke 23:6-16).

23. To please the angry Jews, Pilate released _______________________________
(Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:17-25)

24. The people told Pilate that releasing Jesus would be considered disloyalty to
__________________ (Matthew 27:15-34; Mark 15:6-23; Luke 23:13-33; John 19:14-17 ).

The Crucifixion; Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
(Reference: Matthew 27:35-28:20; Mark 15:24-16:20; Luke 23:33-24:53; John 19:18-21:25)

1. The crucifixion of Christ, took place at Mount Calvary, which is known to the Jews as
__________________ (Matthew 27:35-50; Mark 15:24-37; Luke 23:33-46; John 19:18-30).

2. ___________________ had a sign placed over Christ which read, “Jesus of Nazareth, the
King of the Jews.”

3. The Jews did not want the bodies of Christ and the thieves to remain on the cross because of
the __________________________________ (John 19:31-37).

4. Jesus was buried in the tomb of ______________________________________________
(Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42).

5. The ________________________________________ persuaded Pilate to seal and guard
the tomb (Matthew 27:62-66).

6. The resurrection of Christ was a literal, ____________ resurrection (Luke 24;36-43).

7. Jesus prophesied of His resurrection after He __________________________________
___________________ in Jerusalem (John 2:18-22).

8. Christ foretold His resurrection to His disciples after He was
________________________________ (Matthew 16:21; 17:9; also Mark 9:9).

9. On the Day of Pentecost, _____________________ set forth the resurrection of Christ by
quoting Old Testament prophesy: (Acts 2:25-31)

10. The resurrection of Christ was confirmed by the proclamation of the _________________
_________________________________ to the two Marys at the tomb (Matthew 28:1-8).

11. The Resurrection of Christ was accompanied by the sign of the resurrection of bodies of the
_________________________________________________- (Matthew 27:52-53)

12. Christ first appeared to __________________ _______________________________ at
the tomb and forbid her to touch Him (John 20:11-18.)

13. Christ also appeared to two of His disciples on the road to ________________________
(Luke 24:13-15).

14. Because he was absent at the first appearance to the disciples,
___________________________ was filled with doubt and sought proof (John 20:24-29).

*15. The following Bible passages prove that the ____________________________ of the
resurrected Christ is a widely witnessed and well founded account (John 21:4, 12-14;
I Corinthians 15:5-7).

16. The importance of the resurrection as pertaining to Christ Himself is that He entered into a
more glorious human existence (Acts 2:24, 32-33, 36); and the confirmation of His
__________________________________________ (Romans 1:4; Ephesians 1:19-20).

*17. The following passages also reveal the importance of the of resurrection of Christ to the
_____________________________________ (I Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 10:9).

18. The resurrection of Christ validates the believer’s claim of having ____________________
____________ (Romans 4:24-25).

19. The resurrection of Christ provides assurance and eternal ______________ (I Peter 1:3-4).

20. The resurrection of Christ provides present and eternal victory over the ________________
and assures us of our own bodily resurrection (Romans 8:11 and II Corinthians 4:14).

*21. The Biblical account as recorded in Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:8-9 proves that the ascension of
Christ at Mount Olivet is an __________________________________________.

22. The destination of the Ascension was the ________________________________ of God
Mark 16:19; Hebrews 1:3; (Hebrews 12:2).

Notes on the Book of Acts

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

The Promise; The Power and The Preachers
(Reference: Acts 1 - 8)

The Promise

1. In His final hours with His disciples, Christ made a promise of a Comforter who would come
after He had gone back to the Father. This Comforter is the __________________________
(Acts 1:1-5).

2. After reaffirming this promise, Jesus prompts them to get their minds off of the restoration of
________________ because that is to take place in the future (Acts 1:6-8).

3. As Christ was taken up into heaven and disappeared in the clouds, ___________________
____________________ gave another promise (Acts 1:9-11).

The Power

1. The apostles went to Jerusalem and awaited the promises of Christ. The apostles, Mary, the
Mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ _______________________ were gathered in the upper room
(Acts 1:12-14).

2. There was a group gathered with them to bring the number of those present up to about 120.
At the request of Peter, they began to take up the business of choosing
_______________________________ as a replacement for Judas (Acts 1:15-26).

*3. The events in Chapter 2 took place on the day of _________________________ which
means “fifty” (Acts 2:1).

4. On this day of Pentecost, the church, as a body of individuals, was ____________________
and given the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2-14).

5. Peter told them that what had happened was the fulfilling of the prophesy of _____________
(Acts 2:14-21).

6. In these verses we read of Peter’s famous Pentecost message, where he confirms that the
power that had been demonstrated is personified in the name of _____________________
(Acts 2:22-26).

7. What Peter preached on that day was nothing more than the pure, __________________.

8. As a result of Peter’s message, the Jews were _______________________ of their sin and
received Christ (Acts 2:37-47).

The Preachers

*1. The book of Acts is best studied by dividing the book according to the ministries of the men
God used in the early church. The first of these is _____________________ who preached
the sermon at Pentecost, and now we observe the continuation of his ministry and those
associated with him.

2. There were many signs and wonders promised to Israel in the Old Testament, and the
people of Israel were familiar with miracles. Here God gives them a sign through a miracle,
the healing of a _________________________ (Acts 3:1-11).

3. Therefore, the primary purpose of miracles is to authenticate a _______________________.

4. Based on the entire Bible teaching concerning miracles and revelation, there will be no
miracle needed to validate a ___________________________________.

5. Peter used the miracle of the healing of the lame man as an object lesson to
_________________________________ (Acts 3:12-26).

6. The message of the resurrection of Christ angered the Jewish religious leaders, especially
the ________________; and Peter and John were arrested.

7. The Jewish religious leaders remembered their confrontations with Christ, and now
observed the same ____________________ in His disciples as they had noticed in Him
(Acts 4:13-31).

8. The basis of this early church unity was that they all believed the same
_________________________________________________ (Acts 4:32-37).

9. God was quick to demonstrate two things to the early Church: first, the severity of deceit
among the brethren, and secondly, the authority of the _________________________
(Acts 5:1-11).

10. Next, we see signs and wonders wrought among the people as a demonstration of the
____________________ given to the apostles by the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 5:12-16).

11. The Apostles’ obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ brought _________________________
at the hands of the Jewish religious leaders (Acts 5:17-28).

12. Peter and the other apostles answered and said, “We ought to obey God rather than man.”
These words express the authority, the power, and the _____________________ of the
apostles (Acts 5:29-42).

13. The seven men appointed to serve as a result of the “murmuring” of the Grecians have be
commonly known as ____________________ (Acts 6:1-7).

14. The apostles prayed and laid their hands on these men, and these first deacons were given
special power, showing God’s _____________________ on the office of deacon.

15. We see this power of authenticity demonstrated in the life and preaching of one deacon
named _________________________ (Acts 6:9-15).

*16. In his message, Stephen reminds the Jews of their ___________________________ and
special relationship to God (Acts 7:1-50).

*17. Stephen told the Jews, in essence, that as their fathers had rejected the spoken Word
delivered by the prophets, they had rejected and crucified the ____________________
____________, the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 7:51-53).

*18. The response of the Jews to this powerful message resulted in the __________________
of Stephen (Acts 7:54-60).

19. At the stoning of Stephen, we find the first mention of _____________, who would later
become Paul, the Apostle (Acts 7:58).

*20. As persecution escalated, the believers scattered out away from Jerusalem. God led
__________________ to carry the Gospel of Grace to the Samaritans (Acts 8:5-8).

*21. When Peter and John arrived at Samaria, doubt and concern is raised concerning the faith
of a man named _________________ ( Acts 8:9-25).

*22. From Samaria, God led Philip out into the desert where he encountered a eunuch of
______________________ (Acts 8:26-40).

The Spread of the Gospel
(Reference Acts 9-12)

*1. Chapter 9 begins with the further persecution of the church by this young Pharisee, called
________________ (Acts 9:1-2).

*2. ______________________ literally appeared to Saul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-9).

3. The Lord spoke to a disciple in Damascus named ______________________ through a
vision and revealed to him God’s plan for Saul, that he was to be the apostle to the Gentiles
(Acts 9:10-18).

4. All who heard Paul preach were amazed at his ________________________________
(Acts 9:19-22).

5. ____________________ assured the fearful apostles of the sincerity of Paul’s love for the
Lord (Acts 9:23-31).

6. Resuming the ministry of Peter, we notice him traveling over to ______________________
(Acts 9:32-35).

7. Peter traveled to the coastal city of Joppa, and restored _________________, the garment
maker, back to life (Acts 9:36-43).

8. As we open chapter 10, we notice an angel of the Lord appearing to ___________________
(Acts 10:1-8).

9. While these people were on their way to Joppa, God also spoke to ____________________
in a vision (Acts 10:9-16).

*10. Peter went to ________________________ with the servants and the soldier, and came to
the house of Cornelius (Acts 10:17-43).

11. As Peter preached, the ______________________________________ fell on those who
heard (Acts 10:44-48).

12. Peter was criticized by the Jewish believers of _________________________________
(Acts 11:1-3).

13. In his defense, Peter applied the same principle of ________________________________
upon which he had based his entire ministry (Acts 11:4-18).

14. Notice it was the wind of _______________________ that spread the flame of the Gospel
(Acts 11:19-21).

*15. Barnabas was sent to ________________________ to work with the church there
(Acts 11:22-30).

*16. As the persecution of the church in Jerusalem grew, king _________________________
killed James the Apostle (Acts 12:1-3).

17. Just as Jesus had promised, the unbelieving Jews hated His followers. Having killed
James, Herod arrested Peter and had him put into prison because it pleased the
_________________ (Acts 12:4-6).

18. Upon his deliverance from prison, Peter immediately went to a prayer meeting. As he
knocked at the gate, a girl named _________________ recognized his voice and ran in to
tell the others who were astonished that Peter had been delivered (Acts 12:7-17).

19. When Herod could not find Peter, he sentenced the judgment of death on the
_______________ (Acts 12:18-19).

20. As we read this account of the worship of Herod, we are reminded of the
_______________________________ who will one day come to this earth (Acts 12:20-22).

*21. As the people worshipped, praised and adored him, ____________________________
came upon Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:23-24).

22. Having fulfilled their ministry, Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, and they took
__________________________________ with them. (Acts 12:25).

Paul’s First Missionary Journey
(Reference Acts 13:1-15:35)

*1. _________________________________________ were commissioned and sent out from
the local church at Antioch (Acts 13:1-3).

2. Paul and Barnabas left Antioch and went northward about 20 miles to Salucia, and from there
they sailed to _________________, on the island of Cyprus (Acts 13:4-5).

*3. As they traveled through the isle, they came to Paphos, where a Roman deputy named
____________________________________ was saved (Acts 13:6-12).

*4. Please notice in verse 9 that Saul is called ______________ for the first time in Scripture.

*5. From Paphos they sailed to Perga, and it was there at Perga that _____________________
turned back to Jerusalem (Acts 13:13).

6. From Perga, Paul and Barnabas journeyed to ____________________________________
and entered the Jewish synagogue (Acts 13:14-43).

7. At Antioch Pisidia, the _____________________________________ rose up against Paul
and Barnabas (Acts 13:44-52).

8. Learning of a plot to have them stoned to death, Paul and Barnabas left Iconium and traveled
down to ____________________ (Acts 14:1-7).

*9. When Paul and Barnabas arrived at Lystra, they encountered and healed a
______________________________ (Acts 14:9-10).

*10. As this miracle was worked, the people tried to _______________________ Paul and
Barnabas (Acts 14:11-18).

*11. Just a few verses later, the Jews arrived in Lystra to stir up this same crowd of people, to
_______________________ Paul (Acts 14:19).

*12. Paul was ______________________ and completely raised and healed (Acts 14:20).

13. After they had preached the Gospel in Derbe, they began their return trip to their
_________________________________________ at Antioch (Acts 14:21-28).

14. They then sailed from Attalia, back to Antioch and reported to the church. After doing this,
they were sent down to ____________________________ to help settle a doctrinal issue
(Acts 15:1-11).

15. Throughout the church age, the matter of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone has
been contested. This conference here at Jerusalem, conducted by the
_____________________ themselves, settles the matter once and for all (Acts 15:12-21).

16. This first conference in Jerusalem was very important to ___________________________
because Peter also settled the matter of salvation being offered to the Gentiles.

17. After the matter of salvation by grace for all who believe was settled,
__________________________________________ returned to the church at Antioch with
Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:22-35).

Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
(Reference Acts 15:36- 18:22)

1. This second missionary journey begins with a conflict between Paul and Barnabas
concerning _________________________ (Acts 15:36-41).

*2. In the area of Derbe and Lystra, a young believer who was half Jew and half Greek
named ________________________ joined Paul and Silas (Acts 16:1-2).

3. Due to the problems encountered with the Jews on his first journey, Paul
_________________________ Timothy (Acts 16:3).

4. They traveled from Derbe to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch and the churches were “established
in the faith, and increased in number daily.” They went west to the city of Troas, where Paul
had a vision which is know as “the __________________________ call” (Acts 16:4-10).

*5. From Troas they sailed to Neopolis and then journeyed to ________________________
(Acts 16:11-12).

6. While there, Paul and Silas met a young woman named ______________ (Acts 16:13-15).

7. There also, Paul cast a devil out of a young woman who was a _______________________
(Acts 16:16-24).

*8. As a result of being miraculously delivered from prison, the
__________________________________________ and his family believed on the Lord
Jesus Christ and were saved (Acts 16:25-40).

9. From Philippi, Paul and Silas went to Amphipolis, Apollonia and down to
_____________________________ (Acts 17:1-4).

10. The unbelieving Jews, seeking to stop the spread of the Gospel, assaulted the house of a
believer named _____________________ (Acts 17:5-9).

11. Because of the Jewish opposition at Thessalonica, the believers there sent Paul and Silas
by night down into __________________ (Acts 17:10-15).

12. Paul sent Silas and Timothy word from Athens to come there as quickly as possible. As
Paul waited in Athens, he had a great _______________________ for the people there
(Acts 17:16).

13. As Paul disputed with the Jews and devout people in Athens, he was encountered by the
_____________________________________________________ (Acts 17:17-34).

14. From Athens, Paul journeyed to _________________ (Acts 18:1).

*15. In Chapter 18 we are introduced to a Jewish tent maker, ________________, and his wife
____________________ who were fellow believers (Acts 18:2-4).

16. As the majority of the Jews rejected the Gospel, Paul moved his ministry to the house of
_________________. (Acts 18:5-8).

17. God gave Paul a vision of comfort and encouragement to keep preaching the Gospel. The
Jews had Paul brought before _________________________, the Roman proconsul
(Acts 18:9-17).

18. Paul cut his hair short because he had made a ______________ (Acts 18:18).

19. After approximately a year and a half, Paul left Corinth with Aquila and Priscilla and
journeyed through Cenchrea to ____________________ (Acts 18:18-19).

Paul’s Third Missionary Journey
(Reference: Acts 18:23-21:26)

*1. ______________________ came to Ephesus and preached in the synagogue for Jews to
repent and make way for the Messiah (Acts 18:24-28).

*2. After Apollos went to Corinth, Paul returned to _______________________ from Galatia

3. At first, Paul encountered those who were still teaching the baptism of _________________
(Acts 19:2-7).

4. After three months, Paul took the group of Christians and left the synagogue due to the
hardness of some of the Jews. Paul taught the believers and others in the school of a man
named ________________________ (Acts 19:8-20).

5. As Paul tarried in Ephesus, he sent Timothy and Erastus to _____________________ to
preach the Gospel (Acts 19:21-22).

*6. Ephesus was also a great center for religion. The Jews had their synagogue, but the devil
had a strong hold on the people through the false goddess, ____________________
(Acts 19:27-28).

7. The people of Ephesus were dominated by her worship and some had made it a thriving
____________________ (Acts 19:24-25).

8. When the Gospel goes forth in power, it will not be long until the devil tries to stir up
opposition against the true preachers of the Word. So was the case here in Ephesus.
Opposition was soon stirred up by ____________________, the silversmith (Acts 19:26-41).

9. Paul left Ephesus and went to Philippi, and then to the cities of Thessalonica and Berea.
After preaching in these places, he traveled to Greece and had proposed to take a ship back
to Antioch, but learning that the Jews were waiting to kill him, he made the return trip back
from Corinth up to ________________________ in Macedonia (Acts 20:1-6).

*10. As Paul preached at Troas, ____________________ fell out of the window (Acts 20:7-12).

11. Paul had the Ephesian elders to meet him at _______________________ (Acts 20:13-38).

12. From Miletas, they sailed around the point at Cnidus and then to Patara. At Patara they found
a ship sailing to Phoenicia toward Pathos on the island of Cyprus. They landed at
______________ to deliver the cargo of the ship (Acts 21:1-7).

*13. Paul went to Caesarea and stayed in the home of __________________ the evangelist
(Acts 21:8-15).

14. The believers of Jerusalem gladly received him, but they had heard a rumor that Paul taught
the Jews to forsake the law of _______________ (Acts 21:16-21).

15. The elders persuaded Paul to go with four others into the temple to go through the Jewish
ceremony of ___________________________ (Acts 21:22-26).

Ambassador in Bonds
(Reference: Acts 21:27-28:31)

1. The angry Jews thought the men with Paul in the ceremony were some of his
___________________ followers (Acts 21:27-29).

*2. The fortress Antonia is referred to as the ___________________ (Acts 21:30-34).

3. The Roman captain was amazed that Paul could speak Greek because he thought he was
an _________________ rebel (Acts 21:35-40).

4. Paul’s first defense was that he was a lettered Jew trained at the feet of
____________________________ (Acts 22:1-5).

5. Paul proceeded to give his second defense, which was his _________________________
of being a Christian (Acts 22:6-21).

6. The chief captain was puzzled that these Jews hated Christianity so much and thought that by
______________ Paul, the true reason would become evident (Acts 22:22-24).

7. Just as he was about to be beaten, Paul gave his third defense, that he was a
______________________________________ (Acts 22:25-30).

*8. The high priest, _____________________, commanded Paul to be smitten in the face
(Acts 23:1-5).

9. As Paul listened and observed his accusers, he noticed that part of them were Pharisees and
the other part were Sadducees. He made use of this mixed audience by saying that he
believed in the ____________________________ (Acts 23:6-10).

10. When the Jews were conspiring to kill Paul, his ____________________ overheard the
plot, and informed Paul and the chief captain (Acts 23:11-22).

*11. Paul was then sent to Caesarea, escorted by 470 soldiers, in order to stand before the
governor, ____________ (Acts 23:23-27).

*12. The Jews wasted no time in getting to Caesarea to condemn Paul. They sent Ananias and
________________ to Caesarea to represent the Jewish case against Paul (Acts 24:1-4).

13. Paul was called a _______________________ of the sect of the Nazarenes” (Acts 24:5-9).

14. Paul was allowed to answer for himself and claimed the hatred against him was purely
___________________ (Acts 24:10-23).

15. Paul’s speech and message must have appealed to Felix, for some days later, he sent for
Paul to speak to him and ________________________, his wife (Acts 24:24-27).

16. The Jews drew up a new plan to kill Paul. They wanted ____________________________
to bring Paul to Jerusalem, and on the way, they would be waiting to kill him (Acts 25:1-12).

17. As Paul awaited the trip to Rome, king Agrippa and his sister, ____________________,
came to Caesarea (Acts 25:13-27).

*18. Agrippa told Festus that Paul might have been set free had he not appealed to
______________________ (Acts 26:1-32).

Paul’s Journey to Rome
(Acts 27-28)

1. The officer in charge of Paul and several other prisoners was a centurion named
_________________ (Acts 27:1-3.)

2. As they attempted to sail from Myra to Cnidus, the wind was so strong against them, they had
to sail south, below the isle of Crete to a place called __________________ (Acts 27:4-8).

3. Paul warned Julius and those in charge of the ship that it was ______________ to sail
further (Acts 27:9-13).

4. These men left Fairhaven secure that everything was safe, but it was not long until the soft
south wind turned into ______________________________ (Acts 27:14-20).

5. Paul, after not speaking for days, assured them that all would survive. The ship-wreck left
them swimming and floating on pieces of the broken ship in order to reach the shore on the
island of _________________ (Acts 27:21-44).

6. As Paul was gathering wood for the fire, he was _________________________________
(Acts 28:1-6).

7. On this barbarian island, we are introduced to a Roman officer named ________________
(Acts 28:7-10).

8. After three months, when the winter had passed, they boarded a ship and sailed to Syracuse
and then to Rheguim. As the winds were favorable the next day, they sailed on to Puteoli,
where they found Christians and enjoyed a week of fellowship before departing toward
Rome. The ____________________________________ came out to meet Paul as far as
Appii Forum and The Three Taverns, where Paul thanked God and took courage
(Acts 28:11-15).

9. At Rome, Paul was given a hired house with a personal guard, and was allowed to have any
visitor he wanted. He first called for the ____________________________________ and
presented his case before them (Acts 28:11-31).
