Principles of Biblical Communication (PR 102)

Course Description

Ten lectures on the various modes of presenting the Gospel message and practical steps toward proper preparation and presentation of the Word of God.

Note: All material marked by * should be studied in preparation for the course evaluation.

The Responsibility To Communicate

1. Definition of terms:

a. Principles are “basic truths, laws, or assumptions.” Principles assure us that under certain conditions, certain ____________________ will occur when things are done in a ________________________ way.

b. The word Biblical simply means “______, or ________________________ to the Bible.”

*c. Communication is defined as “the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by __________________, ________________________, or ______________________________.”

d. The sharing of the message of the Word of God is what is simply known as ________________________.

(1) The word evangelism comes from the Greek word meaning “______________________________” or “______________________________.”

*(2) The word Gospel refers to the ________________________ itself, while evangelism emphasizes the ____________________________ of the message.

2. Our responsibility to communicate:

a. We must communicate our ________________________.

(1) __________________ was very interested in people’s thoughts and opinions. Examples: Matthew 9:4; 12:25; 16:13; Luke 5:22; 6:8; 11:17; 24:38

(2) The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to _______________________ or ____________________ our thoughts.

(3) The believer is commanded to be a ________________________ person... (Philippians 4:8).

(4) Our thoughts must be ________________________ with the God intended __________________ of the Word of God.

b. We must communicate the ________________________.

(1) The message is the _______________________________ as defined in I Corinthians 15: 1-4

(2) The believer should be a person who __________________ his/her thoughts with the ____________ message of the Word of God.

c. We must communicate __________________________________.

(1) Information is defined as “____________________________ derived from study, experience, or instruction.”

*(2) The First Epistle of ______________ is a prime example of the communication of information (I John 1:1-4).

(a) John announces that his __________________________________________ would be beneficial in enforcing our faith and escalating our joy.

(b) We could not have the same __________________________________________ contact with Christ, but John was able to “shew” these things unto us through information.

(3) The __________________________________________ finds its ultimate goal in the communication of information (Matthew 28:19-20).

(4) ______________ also stressed the power of communicated information (Philippians 4:8-9).

d. Conclusion:

(1) Information concerning the Gospel is communicated from individual to individual according to what they have ____________________________ and _____________________.

(2) Personal communication should be the ___________________________________ of what we know about the Gospel according to the Word of God.

3. Personal Communication:

a. Two facts:

(1) Receiving Christ is a __________________________________________ act.

(2) There are certain things which must be _____________________ before a person can receive Christ.

b. All true believers have a ___________________________________ of information to communicate.

c. All true believers are _________________________________ to communicate the Gospel. (Mark 5:19).

*4. The “gifts” principle must govern the ______________ and __________________ of our communication. (Romans 12:6-8).

a. The expression “let us wait” means “the ____________________________ in place, time, and state.”

b. The key to being effectively used of God is the ____________________________ of where, when, and how God wants to use us.

c. Having the ______________ faith to take on a job is very rewarding, but ______________ to have the necessary faith is a disaster.

5. The first step in communication is __________________________________ (II Tim. 2:15).

a. All marketable skills are acquired through some type of ___________________________________.

b. As we study the Word of God, we _____________________ (I Pet. 2:2).

c. As we mature, we become _____________________ in the Word of Truth.

d. As we acquire the skill to communicate, God provides ears to listen.

6. In conclusion, we must not only _____________________ the responsibility to communicate, but also ____________________________ to study, prayer, and preparation that our communication be correct, truthful and effective.

Modes of Communication

1. The ____________________________________ to communicate is the same for every believer; but the ____________ of communication may vary from person to person and situation to situation.

*2. In common language, modes are __________________ ways of doing something.

3. Any mode of communication which violates or compromises ________________________l principles is an ________________________ mode.

4. There are ____________ basic modes of communication.

Passing Communication

*1. Passing Communication which is a brief, often one-time, encounter with ______________________________.

2. One of the most effective ways to communicate with strangers is through ___________________________________________________________ commonly known as ____________________.

3. Since the spiritual condition or religious beliefs of the stranger are unknown, ___________________________ tracts are usually the first choice for Passing Communication.

4. Principles concerning the type of tract we should distribute to strangers.

a. Avoid giving strangers tracts which are so ________________________ with political and social views that the message of the Gospel becomes ______________________________.

b. Make sure that the tract for passing strangers contains the five basic elements essential to the giving of the Gospel.

(1) Element One: The Bible is ______________________________.

(2) Element Two: All men and women are ________________________before God in their ________________________ state.

(3) Element Three: All men and women are __________________ in themselves to __________________ this condemnation.

(4) Element Four: God through the death, burial, and resurrection of His Son ________________________ what was ______________________________ for man’s salvation.

(5) Element Five: This salvation must be ______________________________ accepted by faith.

c. Select tracts that are well formatted in ________________ and _____________________of the message.

Personal Communication

*1. Personal Communication is communicating with an ______________________________ on a ________________________, one on one basis.

2. There are three reasons that God gives us an audience with an individual.

a. ______________________________ is when the person is lost. Commonly known as “__________________________________________.”

b. _____________________________________ is when the person is saved but confused, suffering, or discouraged. Commonly known as “______________________________.”

c. ______________________________ is when the person is indifferent, lax, or backslid.

3. There must be __________________________________________.

4. We should pray for God’s ________________________ and spiritual ______________________________ as we seek to personally communicate His Word.

Precept Communication

*1. A precept is defined as “a rule or principle prescribing a particular course of __________________ or ______________________________.”

2. The Bible is also clear on the bearing of proper _______________________ on proper __________________ communication. (James 3:13; I Tim. 4:12).

3. Paul, in his Roman epistle, clearly expressed the folly of seeking to communicate with the ____________ that which the ____________ contradicts. (Romans 2:23-24).

4. These attempts to eliminate lifestyle qualifications are ____________________________________ of the last days. (II Tim. 3:5).

*5. An ungodly lifestyle ______________________________ the preacher and teacher.

Production Communication

*1. Production Communication is ________________________ a program and distributing it through the _________________.

2. The primary goal of __________________ broadcasting is to win people to Christ.

3. ______________________________ broadcasting presents the Gospel to the lost and Biblical principles to believers.

*4. The most effective media communicator is the one who can establish a
__________________________________________ with his audience.

5. With advanced technology placed in the hands of the average person, there comes a great _______________________________ to use each media to the glory of Christ.

Public Communication

Public Communication Defined

1. The word “public” is defined as “of, concerning, or affecting the _________________________ or the people”

2. This broad definition can be narrowed down to a “religious community” or mostly, a local church.

3. The three general types of public communication in church related service would include: ____________________, ____________________, and _________________________ leading.

The Difference Between Teaching and Preaching

1. Through the years, many have tried to mark a difference between teaching and preaching on the basis of _______________ or amount of _________________________.

2. Both preaching and teaching are found in the ______________________________.

a. The Old Testament word translated “teach” carries the idea of ____________________ and ______________________________.

(1) The common Old Testament words translated “preach” denote a ____________________, _________________________, or _________________________.

(2) Teaching is geared more toward future _________________________ as a result of information.

(3) Preaching seeks an _________________________ response as a result of new information.

b. The two most common New Testament words translated “teach” both indicate _________________________.

(1) New Testament words translated “preach” follow the Old Testament meaning of ____________________ glad tidings.

(2) The early church had a ministry of _________________________ and _________________________ the good news of the Gospel. (Acts 5:42)

(3) The healthy thriving local church has an equal zeal for ________________________________________ and ______________________________.

*3. The basic difference between teaching and preaching is:

*a. teaching is more ______________________________ in nature

*b. preaching has an _________________________ prompting to action.

*4. Briefly stated: teaching is imparting _________________________, while preaching is a __________ to action.

a. Teaching and preaching are both _________________________ to one another.

b. Any call to immediate _______________ must come as a result of either immediate or pre learned ______________________________.

5. Any person who presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ must be a ____________________, and any person who receives the Gospel must be a ____________________.

6. To be an effective teacher, one must be a dedicated _________________________. (I Tim. 1:7).

7. In figurative language, teaching is the _______________ and preaching is the _______________.

8. Good teaching will set the stage for ____________________ preaching, and effective preaching will _________________________ good teaching.

9. Blessed is the church that has good teachers and a good pastor who _________________________ one another in the spiritual ____________________ and ____________________ of its members. (Eph. 4:11-12)

Devotional Leading

*1. Devotional leading falls into two general categories:

*a. ______________________________ direction

*b. ______________________________ speaking.

Pre-sermon Direction

*1. Pre-sermon direction seeks to ____________________ the hearts of the listeners for the preaching of God’s Word.

2. The ability to direct others and personal ______________________________ are essential for a person to be an effective pre-sermon devotional leader.

a. The “______________________” devotional leader just stands there and mumbles out the hymn numbers.

b. The “_________________________” who seeks to dominate every moment of time.

3. The pre sermon devotional leader must first of all be _________________________.

a. God can work in the _________________________ as well as in the _________________________ of the program.

b. Nine basic things which are organized into the program:

(1) ____________________

(2) ____________________

(3) A ____________________ and ____________________

(4) ______________________________

(5) ____________________

(6) ____________________

(7) ________________________

(8) ______________________________

(9) ____________________

c. Points to be considered in preparing or changing the devotional service.

(1) Consult your ____________________ before you adjust the order of the service.

(2) _______________ rather than _________________________ the progression of the service.

(3) _________________________ rather than _________________________.

Special Occasion Speaking

*1. Special occasion devotional speaking offers the opportunity for a lay person to present a _________________________ or ____________________ instruction.

a. A challenge is defined as a “__________________ to action, effort, or use; a _________________________”

b. The word summons is a legal term meaning a formal ____________________ of the expectation of a person’s presence at a gathering.

c. A challenge is differentiated from a sermon in that it is more of an _________________________ than a _________________________.

2. A pastor gives a challenge by ___________________________________ in the group that is to take action.

3. A challenge is not a person exercising authority over others, but presenting a common ______________________________ to be shared by others.

4. Biblical example of the difference between a sermon and a challenge. (Isaiah 5-6)

a. During most of Chapter 5, Isaiah delivers a ____________________ where each point is pronounced as a “woe.”

b. Chapter 6, his message changed to a _________________________ when he includes himself among those who need to take action.

Preparation in Preaching, Teaching,
and Challenging

Although the three basic types of public communication are different in some ways, they are all the same when it comes to one thing- preparation. During the next few Lectures, we will be considering some basic pointers on preparing for sermons, lessons, and challenges.


1. There is no greater ____________________ to the public speaker than to be prepared, and there is no greater ______________________________ to his audience than his lack of preparation.

2. The lack of preparation on the _______________________ part is not as evident as unpreparedness on the ________________________ part.

3. Today, the effective speaker has to __________ the audience’s attention, and then, __________ it.


*1. Since preparation is “the state of having been made ready ______________________________,” prayer is _________________________ in the preparation stage.

2. Prayer places God in the _________________________ stage as well as the _________________________ stage of the sermon/lesson.

3. God will bless that which He ____________________.

4. Paul’s Statement in I Corinthians 3:7,9)

a. The word husbandry means __________l that has been _______________.

b. The word increase actually means “to cause to _______________, _______________, and ________________________________________.”

c. Every ____________________ of the process is in God’s power.

d. The public communicator of the Bible is sowing seed, watering, and often harvesting; but God determines the ____________________ and ________________________ of the endeavor.

*5. Three things the preacher or teacher must pray for at the beginning of the preparation phase (II Thes. 3:1-5).

*a. ______________________________

(1) The speaker needs protection from ____________________.

(2) The speaker needs protection from ____________________.

*b. ______________________________

(1) ...defined as achieving understanding of something to the point of ___________________________ it.

(2) Understanding produces three things:

(a) ______________________________

(b) ____________________ to communicate

(c) _________________________ from your audience.

(3) Paul’s warning (I Tim. 1:7).

(a) Teachers who communicate without ___________________________________ are building _______________ foundations upon which others build their lives.

(b) The purpose of Biblical communication is to instruct in truth and _______________ false thinking.

(4) The communicator must pray that God will give understanding to _____________________________. (Eph. 1:16-19; Col. 1:9).

*c. ______________________________

(1) The communicator should ask God to help him ___________________________________ the truth of the Word of God.

(2) The only true protection from unknowingly saying the wrong thing is


1. The teacher of the Bible can be more influential when he/she exposed him/herself to the ____________________________________________________________.

a. The teacher must be one who is ____________________.

b. The Balance (I John 4:1-3).

(1) We should not quit listening to Biblical instruction just because there are

(2) We should not quit reading just because there are many ___________________________________ books and publications.

(3) One of the basic laws of effective speaking is: “the effective speaker reads and listens with _____________________________________.”

*(4) In Biblical communication, the standard is what the Bible says about ____________________.

(a) The ____________________ of Christ.

(b) The ______________________________ of Christ.

(c) Any message that requires any thing other than ______________________________ in Christ for salvation should also be _________________________.

2. The Word of God is inspired of God and free form any error. However, men (all men) are human and capable of being ____________________, ______________________________, or _________________________.

3. Resources are simply sources from which we get _________________________ and _______________.

4. Written resources concerning the Christian faith are divided into three categories:

*a. Historical Resources provide information about the people, dates, geography, and cultural distinctions of the history of the ___________________________________.

(1) The practical lessons of the Word of God are timeless, but the ____________________ and _________________________ of the time described in the Bible were different than today.

(2) Some Good Historical Resources: Unger’s Bible Handbook; Halley’s Bible Handbook; Manners And Customs Of Bible Lands by Fred H. Wight; and New Manners And Customs of Bible Times by Ralph Gower.
*b. Devotional Resources provide ____________________________________________________ and __________________________________________________ along with the basic Gospel message.

(1) Good devotional material helps the teacher to remain ____________________ on the practical purpose.

(2) Some Good Devotional Resources:The writings of such men as: Matthew Henry, Charles Spurgeon, Oliver Greene, Harry Ironside, J. Vernon McGee, Warren Wiersbe, John Philips, etc.

*c. Technical Resources are commentaries and study helps which go into great ____________________, ____________________, and often, ______________________________.

(1) These writings would include works on and references to the __________________________________________________ in which the Bible was written.

(2) Some Good Technical Resources:

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (James Strong) - This book shows every word in the Bible and where it is found. It also uses a simple word-number system that guides the student to a basic Greek and Hebrew section in the back of the book. For those with computers, Strong’s is included in many Bible programs such as Online Bible.

Expository Dictionary of Old And New Testament Words (W. E. Vine) - Gives the original word and English pronunciation and various ways and place it is used in the Bible.

Wuest’s Word Studies From The Greek New Testament (Kenneth S. Wuest) - Various volumes which go verse by verse through various books of the New Testament identifying, describing, and illustrating the original words used in the Greek text.

Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (George Ricker Berry) - This book has the complete King James New Testament text with the Greek words and translation. This work is popular because it uses the Received Text (Textus Receptus).

5. A few publishers that are generally sound in the materials and authors they publish. Again, we must emphasize that not every thing published by these suggested printers will be agreeable to all Bible believers. However, for the most part, they do take care not to publish works which present views contrary to the vital doctrines of the Word of God. Among these are: Zondervan, Moody Press, Eerdmans, Loizeaux, Regular Baptist Press, and older Broadman Press material. These are just a few of the more available names to look for.

6. Closing thought: Exercise caution and discrimination when choosing, recommending, or teaching from reference material.

The Word of God- The Master Resource

*1. Although commentaries, encyclopedias, and devotionals are beneficial as ________________, the true source of all ________________________ truth and authority is the Word of God itself.

*2. The writings and comments of men are profitable only when they are in ________________________ with the Word of God.

3. Many (if not most) professing believer’s today never _________________________ study the Word of God.

4. The Word of God ________________________ personal study. (Psalm 119:9-11).

The Bible is a Personal Book

1. Bible study should be nothing more or less than a personal _______________________________ from God to the student. (II Tim. 2:14-15).

2. The entire message of the Bible is God’s desire to restore ________________________ with mankind.

a. This fellowship is ________________________.

b. God desires to communicate with ________________________________ on a personal basis.

3. Personal Bible study helps the believer make the transition into ________________________________________. (I Pet. 2:2-3).

*a. Immature people require and respond to ________________________________ leadership.

(1) Immature believers must be constantly told what the ________________ says.

(2) Mature believers search the Scriptures to see what ________ has said.

b. When the Bible communicator bypasses personal study and depends ________________________ on other material, he is placing himself and his listeners under the ________________________ of the lesson material.

4. Tozer came to the conclusion that the two greatest ________________ to Christian work are:

a. ________________________________ which overemphasizes human credentials;

b. ________________________ which de-emphasizes the importance of training.

5. Preparation and training are vital ________________________________ for pastors, evangelists, and missionaries. (Titus 1:9; II Tim. 2:2).

a. Some insist that preparation refers to a college or seminary ________________________________.

b. Others view preparation as an unbiblical personal communication from God which rejects all human ________________________.

c. These extremes tend to make the ________________ more important than the actual ________________________________.

d. God ________________________ both teaching and personal study. (II Tim. 3:17; Eph. 4:14-15).

6. Life changing ________________________________ obtained through a personal study and practical application of God’s Word are far better than a ________________________________ of information and knowledge acquired at a school.

a. The _______________________________ believer constantly needs to hear “whosoever means you,”

b. ________________________ believers can say, “whosoever surely meaneth me.”

*7. The strong point of personal maturity is not passing beyond being ________________________; it is that a person, through a personal knowledge of the Word of God, can ________________________________.

The Bible is a Divine Book

*1. The expressions “God’s Word” and “the Word of God” refer to that which is ________________________ by God and that which belongs to God.

*a. Because it is spoken by God, it has ________________________________________________.

*b. Because it belongs to God, it is totally under His ________________________________.

c. Without a ________________ Bible, we have no basis for evangelism or spiritual instruction (Heb. 4:12).

2. Possessing a copy of God’s Word and communicating it’s message are ______________________________ for which we will surely ________________________________ (I Thes. 2:4).

The Bible is a Three Dimensional Book

Understanding the Dimensional Concept

*1. A dimension is “A measurable extent, as length, thickness, or breadth. The ________________________ or ________________ of something.”

2. Before an object can be understood, it must be ________________________ from all three dimensions.

Life’s Three Dimensions

1. Life has three dimensions.

a. It has length, ________________________ one lives;

b. It has depth, the ________________ quality of life;

c. It has breadth, the ________________ reaching of life.

2. ________________________________ through faith in Christ gives us eternal life (unlimited length)

3. ________________________________ to Christ gives us inner peace (unlimited depth); and

4. ________________________________ to God gives us outer influence (unlimited breadth).

The Three Dimensions of the Word of God

1. The Word of God has three dimensions which give the Christian life ________________________ and ________________________________.

2. As God was preparing to ________________________ the Revelation of Christ (the Bible), He presents the three dimensions of the Word of God.

The Historical Dimension

1. The Bible is God’s Word, and it is ________________________ correct.

2. Everything recorded in the Bible is absolutely and unquestionably ________________________.

*3. The historical dimension has to do with the ________________.

The Dispensational Dimension

1. A dispensation is a period of time in which God deals with man in a particular way concerning ________ and ________________________________.

*2. The dispensational dimension has to do with what the Bible says about ________________.

3. The dispensational dimension has to do with the ________________________.

a. When Christ came to earth to fulfill the law and bring in the dispensation of grace, the ______________ had a ________ dimensional view of God.

b. Their view was strictly ________________________________.

(1) Therefore, their idea of ________________________ and ________________________ was also one dimensional.

(2) They rested that their historical and genealogical link to ________________________ rather than their relationship to fallen ________________ (John 5:39; Luke 24:27).

4. The Dispensational Dimension challenges us to ask ourselves, “What does this passage teach about the coming, ministry or promises concerning _____________________?”

5. There are four words that describe the various ways Christ through which is presented in Scripture.

*a. First, Christ is presented through ________________________.

*b. The second way Christ is presented in Scripture is through ________________________.

(1) These pictures are often referred to as ________________.

(2) A Type is a “________________________ appointed illustration of some scriptural truth.

(3) The ________________________________ in the Book of Numbers is an excellent example. (Num. 21:8-9; John 3:14-15).

*c. The third way Christ is presented is in ________________________.

*d. The fourth way Christ is presented is in ________________________.

(1) The Epistles of the New Testament present Him as the ________________________ and ________________ of the Church.

(2) The Book of Revelation shows His position of glory and majesty as He ______________________ and ________________ with divine power.

The Practical Dimension

1. The Word of God was written for us to ________________ to our every day lives.

*2. The Historical and Dispensational Dimensions cannot benefit the reader without practical ________________________________ of these divine principles to one’s daily life.

3. Within our prayer that God would ________________ us something in the Bible, we should ask Him for the wisdom and strength to ________________ these new found principles in our lives.

The Three Dimensions in This Study

1. The ungodly teaching of evolution attacks the foundation of the Word of God which is the ________________________________ Dimension.

a. If the Bible is not historically correct, it cannot be ________________________________ correct.

b. If it is not dispensationally correct, it is not ________________________________.

2. The Bible is God’s Word given for us to study and personally ________________________________, ________________________________, and ________________________________.

Gathering and Organizing Material

Gathering Material

1. Paul warned Timothy, _____________________________________________ is required to “rightly divide the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15)

a. The expression “rightly dividing” presents a __________________ meaning.

(1) “to cut ___________________________”

(2) “ follow a ___________________________ path.”

b. The expressions workman and rightly dividing show that Biblical communication is ___________________________ according to a plan.

c. Our effectiveness in any speaking situation is a result of previous ___________________________ study.

2. Comparing the preparation process to taking a trip.

a. Have a _____________________________________________:

(1) In traveling, the destination is a particular __________________; but in Biblical communication, the destination is a particular ___________________________.

(2) The Biblical communicator must be able to give his destination in

(a) This singular statement is called the _________________________ which is “a proposition upon which an ___________________________ is based or from which a ____________________________________ is drawn.”

(b) It is wise for the speaker to remind himself of his premise during the ___________________________ phase of the sermon/lesson.

(c) Every bit of information gathered and presented should convince the listeners that my premise is ______________________________ and worthy of ________________________.

(d) When gathering material for a lesson or sermon, be sure that the information you use helps you get to the ____________________________________.

(3) Dangers:

(a) A “hobby horse” is a conviction, preference, or annoyance that tends to continually occupy a person’s _______________________ and ________________________________.

(b) “Rabbit trails” are other themes and subjects which we _____________________________ as we are studying for the sermon or lesson.

(4) The conclusion is a ____________________________________ restatement of or answer to the introduction.

b. Take the Most __________________ Route:

(1) Good teaching and preaching ___________________________ the complex rather than further complicating it.

(2) The greatest misconception in preaching and teaching is that __________________ equals complication and simplicity equals ____________________________________.

(3) Loftiness and showmanship may bring attention to the ___________________________; yet, distract from the ___________________________.

c. Bring Home ____________________________________:

(1) The material gathering phase of preparing a lesson/sermon should have a _____________________________________________ on the teacher or preacher.

(2) When the teacher/preacher gains ________________________________ growth and encouragement from the study, his zeal and understanding of the lesson is taken to a ________________________ level (Acts 4:20).

(3) ___________________________ Christ produces a desire to speak of Christ.

(4) Principles that affect the life of the teacher/preacher will affect his ______________________.

(5) The teacher/preacher should carefully ___________________________ during the gathering phase of lesson preparation.

*3. The material gathering phase of lesson/sermon preparation demands two things.

*a. There must be a __________________ or __________________ for the lesson.

*b. All material which is ___________________________ to that theme should be recorded.

Organizing Material

1. Gathering and organizing should be two ____________________________________ in the lesson preparation process.

a. Gathered material it should be organized to present the ___________________________ and ___________________________ argument.

b. Good material can be ____________________________________ when it is not organized into the proper presentation format.

2. Five Principles for Organizing Material.

*a. The Principle of _________________________________

*(1) Is this something I _____________ to say, or is it something that ______________ to be said?”

(2) Instruction from Proverbs:

(a) Poor choices in speech will ultimately harm the _________________________ (Prov. 6:20).

(b) Poor choices in speech will harm the ___________________________ (Prov. 18:4,8).

(c) The motive for speaking is that the hearers will become, or continue to be, “____________________________________” of wise words as well.

*b. The Principle of __________________________________

*(1) Always consider the ___________________________, ___________________________, and ___________________________ level of your audience.

(2) The primary concern on the intellectual level will be choosing __________________ that are understandable and challenging.

(3) The primary concern on the cultural level will be choosing _____________________________ that take the message straight into the listener’s environment.

(4) The primary concern on the maturity level will be presenting the topic on the ____________________________________ level of the listener.

(a) No dimension ___________________________ another dimension.

(b) The mature believer makes ___________________________ decisions based on the historical facts and the dispensational purpose of the Word of God.

*c. The Principle of ___________________________

(1) The word argument means “A course of reasoning aimed at demonstrating __________________ or ___________________________.”

*(2) There are three elements in basic argument;

*(a) The __________________ premise is the accepted fact upon which the argument is going to be built.

*(b) The __________________ premise associates the individual with the major premise.

*(c) The conclusion brings the ___________________________ under the responsibilities or rewards of the major premise.

(3) Arrange material in the order which provides the best ___________________________ for what you are trying to teach or preach.

(a) Place all material that proves the point upon which you are going to base your application in the __________________ premise category.

(b) Place all material that associates the listeners with the proven point in the __________________ premise category.

(c) Place all material that prompts the listener to take action concerning his responsibility or benefit in the ___________________________ category.

*d. The Principle of ___________________________

*(1) A point of agreement must be reached before a person will listen to further ____________________________________.

(2) The example of Alcoholic Beverages (Hab. 2:15).

(a) People will have a tendency to be against drunk driving without being against ___________________________.

(b) The best argument against drinking itself, would have to begin with ___________________________ commonly agreed upon and proceed toward Biblical evidence of more serious ___________________________ dangers.

(3) Biblical examples:

(a) To get Israel to __________________ that they had done wrong, Jeremiah is told to first ________________________ them of how God had done nothing but right concerning them (Jer. 2:5-7).

(b) Paul's argument was to convince the _____________ that they were as lost as the heathen ___________________________ (Rom. 1-3).

*(4) The principle of agreement must not be confused with _______________________________.

*(a) Compromise requires a change in the ___________________________ of the argument.

*(b) The principle of agreement deals with how we begin and advance in the argument toward an ____________________________________ conclusion.

*e. The Principle of ___________________________

(1) Analysis is “The separation of an intellectual or substantial __________________ into its constituent __________________ for individual study.”

(2) For the most part, communication of the Word of God is directed toward correcting some ___________________________ or ___________________________ problem.

*(3) Those who address spiritual problems must have an understanding of the
_____________________________________________ on the matter.

(4) The sermon or lesson is the result of ___________________________ and Biblical analysis (II Tim. 2:15).

(a) The word study denotes ___________________________.

(b) The expression rightly dividing expresses the need to ___________________________ the Word of God.

Organizing For Presentation

Some General Rules

1. Save the ____________, or ________________________ information until the end of the presentation.

2. Another rule in organizing material is the rule of ___________________________________.

a. Stimulating the mind with information causes people to ______________ things.

b. Emotional stimulation causes people to ______________ or vicariously ________________________ things.

c. Emotion has a more dominate place in the lives of most people than _________________________.

Facts to consider:

*1) True emotion is based on ____________________________. (I John 4:19; I John 4:16; I John 5:13).

*2) Unfounded emotion is usually ___________________________________. (Matthew 13:20-21)

*3) Unfounded emotion is __________________________.

a. Unfounded emotions view the truth as the _____________________.

b. Emotional appeal should be used as _____________________ for Scriptural truth rather than the
____________________________ for action.

c. Biblical Examples of unfounded commitment: (Matt. 8:19-20; Luke 18:22-23).

3. The use of personal___________________________________.

*a. Probably, the most powerful and sincere message a person can deliver is his/her personal
___________________________________ experience.

b. Personal illustrations should be ____________________________ with other supporting evidence.

Written Notes

Manuscript Form

1. Manuscript form simply means to ____________________________ the lesson or speech from beginning to end.

2. There is a temptation to think that ____________________________ is finished when the sermon, lesson, or speech is written out.

3. Merely getting up and reading words can be _________________ and ____________________________ to both the speaker and his audience.

4. When the speaker is familiar with his manuscript, it becomes an _____________ to his memory rather than merely words to be read.

Outline Form

1. An outline as “a statement ____________________________ the important points of a written work or speech, usually analyzed in headings and subheadings.”

2. Parts of a basic sermon/ lesson outline.

*a. The Title

(1) The title should be as _____________________ as possible.

(2) The title is viewed as the ______________ from which the message will grow.

(3) The title does not have to be the __________________ statement of the message or lesson.

*b. The Main Scripture

(1) Our thoughts and opinions must be well founded.

(a) Our lesson/sermon must be founded upon the __________________________________

(b) Our lesson/sermon must be predominately ___________________ by the Word of God.

*(2) In a sermon, it is called the ______________.

*(3) In a lesson, it is usually referred to as our “Scripture ____________________________.”

(4) The Main Scripture may be the ______________ passage of Scripture used; or a “springboard” to launch a ___________________________________ presentation.

*c. The Introduction

(1) The Introduction points out a single thought or _____________________ which will be developed during the sermon/lesson.

(2) There is some unchanging _________________ God is communicating in a passage; but there are countless ___________________________________ of that truth.

(a) The Bible is so perfectly _____________________ that any passage can lead to just about any place in the Bible.

(b) The Bible is so perfectly _____________________ that any passage can lead to any or every class of people in the world.

(3) The goal of the introduction is to direct the listeners to one ___________________________ which will be developed, enforced, or proven in the lesson/sermon.

(4) During the introduction, you must direct the audience to the
__________________________________________ you are going to develop.

*d. Supporting Points

*(1) A supporting point is determined by stating the main theme and adding the word “____________________________.”

(2) There must be at least _____________ supporting points or none at all.

*(3) When we will have supporting points for supporting points, supporting points become ______________ points, with _______ points supporting them.

*e The Conclusion

(1) The _________________ of the lesson or sermon must be working toward some conclusion.

*(2) The conclusion is simply a more qualified and better supported ________________________ of the introduction.

Brief Sample Outline

Title: The Benefits of Serving God

Text: Colossians 3:22-25

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

God established the principle of service which is: All service is to be approved by God. Dr. Bob Jones Sr. said, “To the believer, every bush is a burning bush, and all ground is holy ground.” When we surrender our lives to God, we surrender every area of service to Him. Therefore, everything we do, religiously, socially, or vocationally, should be done in a matter which pleases and honors God. In verse 24 of our text, we also discover that serving “as unto the Lord” is beneficial.

I. Serving God is beneficial because it brings blessings
to the servant. (v24)

A. Present Blessings- “Knowing”

1. Knowledge brings assurance

2. Assurance is among the greatest present
a. Assurance of heaven overcomes life’s diffi

b. Assurance of God’s presence in Christ
directs life’s decisions.

B. Future Blessings- “Reward of the inheritance”

II. Serving God is beneficial because it benefits others.
(vv 22-23)

A. Employers benefit from the employee’s quality
service. (v22)

B. Our fellowman benefits from our sincere service.

III. Serving God is beneficial because we will give
account for all service. (vv 24-25)

A. It could be a joyful accounting (v24)

B. It could be a sorrowful accounting (v25)

So we can see that serving God is beneficial in every way. The life lived in service to God is beneficial to us and those around us. But the greatest benefits are yet to come, when we can hear those blessed words from the mouth of our Savior- “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”

The Responsibility of Biblical Communication

1. ___________________________________ should never remove the seriousness of communicating the Word of God.

2. Realization of the awesome responsibility to teach or preach is the __________________ and the ___________________________ in preparation.

3. If we are not burdened, humbled, and perhaps even a bit afraid, as we go before our audience, we are not ____________________________________.

4. The first appearance of the word “teach” is found in Exodus Chapter 4, where _________ is the teacher and __________________ is the student/ teacher. (Exodus 24:12)

a. Moses asked to be exempt from speaking because of his lack of ______________________________.

b. The teacher who has been instructed by God through the illumination of the
____________________________________and is willing to be __________________ to that which God’s Word has taught is prepared to stand before kings.

5. God ordained that the propagation of his ___________________________ be through the medium of teaching. (Matt. 5:19; 28:18-20).

The Importance of Biblical Communication

*1. ________________________________________:

*a. The seemingly endless list of needs of mankind can be narrowed down to two basic needs.

*(1) These are ________________ and ________________.

*(2) People need grace because they are so ________________________________ in themselves.

*(3) They need peace because of the ________________________________________ of the human race due to sin.

b. In man’s quest for grace and peace, many ________________________ have come into existence (Romans 1:19-20).

(1) The natural mind can detect the fact of God's ________________________________.

(2) The natural mind cannot determine the general and specific ________________________ concerning man. (I Cor. 2:14; I Cor. 1:21).

c. There is a direct link between ________________ understanding of God and Biblical communication (Acts 8:31,35).

d. God’s design for ________________________ His will to man is through teaching and preaching.

*2. ________________________________________:

a. The Word of God is the only true and ____________________________ answer to human problems.

b. The Biblical communicator does not know the ________________________________ of present and potential discord among his listeners.

c. However, ________________ seeks to address, correct and prevent problems through teaching and preaching.

*3. ________________________________________________:

*a. The ________________________________________ is the Christ given command. (Matt. 28:19-20).

(1) The Greek word for "teach" carries the idea of imparting ________________________ and primarily concerns ________________________.

(2) The word translated "teaching" means to to impart ________________________ and elevates Biblical communication to the level of ________________________ discipleship.

(3) The two words together emphasize teaching with ______________________________________.

b. When you stand before a group to teach or preach, you become ___________________________ responsible for communicating with those

The Seven Elements Of Effective Teaching

*1. Education can be broken down into ________ arts:

a. The art of ________________________ and the art of ________________________________.

*b. Training is defined as that which ____________________ physical, mental, and moral, development.

*c. Teaching is defined as the communication of the ________________________________ and ________________________ of the human race.

2. Biblical training is patterned after the model of ________________. (Luke 2: 52)

a. Wisdom- ________________________ growth;

b. Stature - ________________________ growth;

c. Favor With God - ________________________ growth

d. Favor With Man - ________________________ growth.

3. Our teaching is the communication of the inspired ________________________ Word of God.

*Element 1: A Knowledgeable Teacher

1. A person cannot teach what he does not ________________.

a. Example: (I Tim. 6:3-4a).

(1) The word “consent” comes from a Greek word which means to ________________ or ________________________________.

(2) In preaching/ teaching, you are directing people into a ____________________________________ encounter with the Word of God.

b. Defining Knowledge

(1) The four levels of learning:

(a) _______________recognition

(b) ability to ________________

(c) ability to ________________________

(d) ability to ________________________.

(2) Two Greek words which are translated “know” in the KJV.

*(a) One is a word (oida) which means “to know by the ________________________.”

*(b) The other word (ginosko) means to know by ________________________ and ________________________________.

(3) The knowledgeable teacher is one who seeks depth in mental ____________________________ for the purpose of ________________________________ in his life.

*Element 2: An Interested Student

1. One of the greatest disappointments that comes to the “new” teacher is the lack of
________________________________________ to teach.

2. The greatest disappointment to a seasoned teacher or preacher is the lack of _____________________ and ________________________ to learn among the audience.

3. The desired receptive mental attitude that we need from our students is simply called

*4. True attention only comes out of ________________________.

5. There is a clear distinction between mere ________________________ and ________________________.

a. The learner is the listener who is:

(1) ________________________ in the subject;

(2) ________________________ to the information about the subject;

(3) willfully ________________ to the information given.

b. The information becomes a ________________________ part of the student’s accumulation of ________________________________.

6. Gaining the listener’s interest?

a. In order for a teacher to be interesting, he/she must be ________________________________.

(1) To make a subject interesting, you must be ________________________________ interested in the subject.

(2) Remember, true interest is ________________________________.

b. Seek to discover the personal ________________ and ________________________________ of your class members or age group.

(1) Using ________________________ ideas to communicate information will help gain the attention of the class.

(2) Remember, true interest is ________________________ rather than ______________________.

c. Begin your presentation with a statement, story, or quote that will cause the student to ________________________________________________.

(1) Sometimes, an audience must be ________________________ or ________________________ to attention by a statement which demands further explanation.

(2) Remember, you cannot ________________ their interest until you ________ their interest.

c. Work within your window of ________________________________.

(1) Do not begin the lesson until interest is ________________________, and do not continue after interest is ________________.

(2) Remember, you can force-feed a baby animal, but not an _____________________________ mind.

*Element 3: Common Language

1. The word language originated from the Latin word which refers to the ____________________; and
therefore, primarily emphasizes __________ communication.

*a. Simply stated, language is oral and written ____________________ which express
____________________ thoughts.

b. Example: John 1:1

(1) Three times in this one verse, we find Christ referred to as “____________________.”

*(2) The Greek word for Word is logos which means “a ____________________ manifestation of
something ____________________.”

(a) The unseen Subject to be manifested is __________ Himself.

*(b) In Christ, the ____________________ Triune God was fully and perfectly made

(c) ____________________ is the Common Language of God.

(3) Thoughts are invisible, but can be manifested through the use of ____________________.

(4) Christ’s manifestation of the Father is the perfect example of __________________________.

2. When you communicate, you must use language that ___________________________and
____________________ expresses your thoughts.

*3. Using common language means choosing ______________, _____________________________, and
______________________________ that can be easily understood by your listeners.

A few pointers about common language:

1. Common language is not ____________________ language.

a. Vulgar statements will:

(1) ____________________ impure thoughts into the mind of the ____________________,

(2) ____________________ impure thoughts in the mind of the ____________________.

b. In the case of Biblical communication, the teacher is trying to present __________, __________, and
____________________ material.

2. Common language is not ______________________________ language.

a. A willful disregard of the _____________ of proper English and speech is not
______________________________ by claiming the use of common language.

b. The speaker should be aware of the ____________________ of language and seek to __________
them to communicate his message.

3. Common language is not ____________________ language. Christ used common language to
communicate the ____________________ subjects.

4. Common language is not ______________ language.

a. Common language is where you _______________ your audience, while ____________________
language is where you take them.

b. Part of the teacher’s job is to enrich and expand the student’s ______________________________.

c. Expressions and words used by ____________________ become part of the common language of
their people.

d. Caution must be taken when presenting new words and expressions to your class/congregation.

(1) Never teach new words and expressions without ____________________ telling their

*(2) An increase in ______________________________ should mean an increase in

Element 4: Concrete Progression

1. The information passed from teacher to student is referred to as “the ____________________” to the
teacher and “the ____________________” to the preacher.

a. The delivery of information as the __________ of the lesson.

*b. This law simply says, “The truth to be taught must be learned through truth

c. In this study, we will refer to this law as the rule of Concrete Progression.

(1) The word concrete is defined as “of or relating to an actual, specific thing or experience which
is perceptible by the ____________________.”

(2) Progression is defined as “movement from one member of a
________________________________________ to the next.”
(3) When applied to communication, these two words mean learning which proceeds in

2. The ________________________________________ is the perfect example of concrete progression.

a. God did not need thousands of years to ____________________ with His message.

b. However, God did take thousands of years to ____________________ His message.

c. ____________________ confirmed the law of the lesson in John 16:12.

d. ________________ was aware of the law of the lesson as seen in I Cor. 3:1-2.

e. In the Hebrew Epistle, we find a direct statement affirming the law of the lesson. (Heb. 5:12).

3. Until a person has learned __________________ there is no use in taking him to __________________.

Pointers on the rule of concrete progression.

1. Don’t let your _______________________ cause you to build on an unstable ______________________.

a. Resist the temptation to “move on” before the class is ____________________________________.

b. The serious lesson plan should be sensitive to the student’s ______________________________
as well as ______________________________ of the material.

2. Don’t ____________________ that your students know certain things.

a. The teacher/preacher must have some form of evaluation to determine the __________________
of his class/audience.

b. Things like: ____________________, open ____________________________, or general
______________________________ to determine the level of your listeners.

3. Find out what your students __________________, then ________________ from there.

a. You cannot have ________________________ knowledge without _________________ knowledge.

b. The two types of existing knowledge upon which you can build are ____________________ study
and ______________________________.

*c. “Explanation is the use of facts and principles ____________________________ understood to make
clear the nature of ________________________________________.”

*Element 5: Mental Stimulation

1. Teaching the student is ______________________________ the student to learn.

a. To stimulate means “to ____________________ or ______________________________.”

b. Knowledge must be accepted by a ______________________________ mind.

2. ____________________ confirmed the supreme teaching office and ministry of the ________________________________________ (John 14:26).

a. The word used for teach means “to ________________________________________.”

b. Christ then gave the ____________________ in which the Holy Spirit would teach (John 16:13).

(1) The key word is _______________ which is a Greek word which means “to __________ on one's way.”

*(2) The Holy Spirit teaches by ____________________.

c. In Biblical communication, ____________________ is the ultimate knowledge, and can only be obtained through the ______________________________ of the Holy Spirit.

*3. The teacher/preacher can only be a ____________________ to his students/ congregation.

a. The true teacher is the one who can stir up a desire within the student to ____________________ and ______________________________ new and deeper truth.

b. The teacher must stimulate the student to __________________ to learn.

How can we stimulate our students to seek, identify, and accept truth?

1. Create the most ________________________________________ for self-learning.

2. ___________________ the efforts of the student to save him from wasting time and becoming ______________________________________.

3. Instill within the student the ________________________ that the Holy Spirit can guide him into truth.

a. The student who becomes ______________________________ upon human teachers for knowledge never learns the true art of learning.

b. The student who allows himself to be led by the Holy Spirit will learn how ____________________.

c. As Biblical communicators, we must guide our students to the ultimate Guide, the ____________________________________ Who will guide them into the truth of the Word of God.

*Element 6: Periodic Evaluation

1. Gregory calls this element “The Law of the ___________________________________“ which is stated as “The pupil must ____________________________ in his own mind the truth to be learned.”

2. The first way of evaluating what the student has learned is by ________________________________ of his/her life.

3. The failure to apply a principle can be either ___________________________________ or the result of a ______________ of true understanding of the principle.

4. You can also use things like: review, open discussion, or general questioning to determine the ___________________________________ of your students.

Some pointers:

*1. Do not confuse ___________________________________ with comprehension.

*a. Merely pouring out before the pupils the content of the teacher’s knowledge is __________________________________________.

b. Merely giving information does not fulfill the ____________________________ of the teacher.

*2. Do not confuse ____________________________ with comprehension.

*a. True learning is an ____________________________ of the thought, truth, or principle rather than merely _____________________ words.

b. Words should always be attached to _____________________.

*3. Do not be afraid to put your teaching to _____________________.

*a. The powerful single word in evaluation of a person’s true understanding is the little word “______________.”

b. The teacher should not be content with the mere ___________________________________ by his students.

*Element 7: Life Application

*1. Education is _________________________________________________.

2. In the realm of Biblical communication, education is changing people in the direction of __________________________________________.

3. Teaching is accomplished when communicated thoughts become ______________ in the life of the student.

Things to consider:

1) Bible knowledge with application is__________________________________________. (Philippians 4:9)

2) Bible Knowledge with application is ___________________________________. (James 3:13).

3) Bible knowledge without application is ______________. (James 4:17).

Alliterated summary:

1) The _____________________ (Knowledgeable Teacher)
2) The _____________________ (Interested Student)
3) The ____________________________ (Common Language)
4) The _____________________ (Concrete Progression)
5) The _____________________ (Mental Stimulation)
6) The _____________________ process (Periodic Evaluation)
7) The ______________ (Life Application)